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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. "Asset" is probably overstating it, but they're at minimum useful idiots, and that could fall within the definition of intelligence asset.
  2. It will have no effect on him. He's a sociopath. It's hard for people who aren't sociopaths to understand, because we assume that everyone who isn't a serial killer has some core of humanity and conscience and empathy inside. But he literally doesn't have that. The people who need to see this are the Republicans who continue to let him have the keys to the car. They're the ones who have the capability to do better (most of them, at least) but are choosing to let this happen out of naked self-interest.
  3. I'm not changing the subject. I'm offering a different perspective. Pete and you seem to think that something Warren has been doing on "the most important policy issue for voters" for the last few months is a huge weakness, while his policy stand on this issue is a huge strength. Yet she has left him in the dust during that period of time. It looks to me like she's taking a pretty successful approach. Saying "she needs a plan because she's the plan candidate" misses the forest for the trees. Voters don't care if she co-signs a good plan proposed by someone else. It's not the mere fact that she has a lot of plans that matter. It's that voters like her approach in those plans, which focuses on corruption and leveling the playing field. That's why she's inspiring people and Hillary didn't, even though Hillary had fucking treatises of plans all over her website. You seem to be treating a campaign like a debate tournament.
  4. That's not an argument; it's an observation. The argument would be, "... and Warren should have her own specific health care plan because..." The argument against is that she's rocketed to the top of the primary while co-signing Bernie's plan, while Mayor Pete hasn't budged since releasing his plan (5.8 average on day it was released, 5.6 average today). What is your argument for?
  5. She's gained 6 points in the last month. Pete was ahead of her at the end of April and was still basically tied with her by mid-June, now he's behind by 18 points. What exactly is the argument for his approach in addressing policy questions being better than hers?
  6. They put it up in their stadium, too.
  7. Pete could run for Congress. His district is held by an R who won 55-45 in 2018.
  8. Trump is going to blame the Kurds.
  9. Pretty good episode all around. Rudy was soft and is lucky he lasted so long. Hope that takes Vince off the hook because Rudy told the Mob guy that it was on him.
  10. CNN's habit of leaving "Breaking News" up 24/7 has gone from absurd to accurate.
  11. I also rewired it with a phase splitter. It sounds so damn good.
  12. I like Pete. He has a ton of political talent and good core values and he's exceptionally smart. He just has no political experience outside of his small city, and even worse, his inexperience shows in his naive and myopic vision. I sincerely hope that he gets some seasoning in the state capital and/or Washington, plus greater exposure to people who aren't in his social class. If he does, I think he'll be a kickass president when he's 50.
  13. This has to be people fleeing Biden.
  14. I put Fralin noiseless P90s in a jazzmaster and they're my favorite pickups ever
  15. What a weird take. You just said that Pete is one of the candidates who coopted the M4A label only to come out with a less-fullsome variant, and that your worry is that Warren will do the same thing. But he's your #1 candidate. OK.
  16. It sounds to me like Bernie is the right candidate for you. Warren isn't Bernie. I'm certain that he will never settle for anything less than what he's proposed and that he would take nothing over a compromise. I think she'd fight for M4A but ultimately compromise to get something passed. That's why I prefer her, but I can understand why others might not. And she could copy and paste Bernie's bill to her website, but it wouldn't change any of that.
  17. Option C — just tax the rich more to cover the difference.
  18. So repeatedly saying she's for M4A with her mouth and on Twitter isn't enough, but a link on her website would satisfy you? That's absurd. Regardless, it's not the M4A people who keep pressing her to answer the question in these debates. It's the people who are against M4A and who are arguing that it will be too costly. You may have your own reasons for wanting her to do it, but that's not why she isn't answering the question.
  19. Right, she's getting continually pressed on a single detail of her plan because she doesn't have a plan. That makes sense.
  20. You seem to think people are robots who process information rationally and without emotion. If that were true, Trump wouldn't be president. There's a reason everyone keeps asking Warren to say the words, and it isn't because they don't know the answer.
  21. You're undermining your own point. How do you not see that this ad is nowhere near as effective as replacing those quotes with "yes, middle class taxes will go up"? Bernie is a popular guy. MFA is a popular brand. Middle class tax increase is poison.
  22. This isn't about the GOP right now. It's the primaries. And if getting her to say the words is so unimportant, why is she constantly being asked to do it?
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