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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. CNN is all about Klobuchar today because she went from 2% to 3%.
  2. Jexodus update: Now up to 76% disapproval for Trump. Only 14% of Jews identify as Republicans. Turns out Icono didn't have his finger on the pulse of Jewish Americans.
  3. Also the article says he suffered a traumatic brain injury.
  4. Plus, George is a professional (legal) writer and could have co-written.
  5. Or even the figurative sense.
  6. Pete's team has leaked internal focus group data that his homosexuality is hurting him among blacks:
  7. Even if it was watching FoxNews and Trump rallies?
  8. I don't know the best solution, but I think the idea behind her plan is that breaking up its market power will make Facebook and its split-off components have to compete more for users, and privacy and ad policies will inevitably be part of that competition. Not just competition between Facebook and Insta but competition with new companies that will have a better chance of succeeding when not facing the combined power of Facebook in multiple social media spaces.
  9. I don't know anything about this author, but this Twitter thread pretty much captures my view on Bernie. I just don't buy his theory of change within our system. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he needs to win the primary for me to support him, as that is sort of circular, but he needs to really get some serious momentum for me to consider it. The bottom line is that I think Warren could govern well with a coalition of support from various parts of the Dem party, even with the level of apathy that our citizenry typically has. I don't believe that Bernie can; his own rhetoric presupposes an involved, enthusiastic majority for his policies. If that exists, the proof will be in the pudding during the campaign itself, and his failure to launch so far in this cycle suggests to me that it doesn't exist.
  10. Yeah, Episode 3 is incredible, and I usually hate Anne Hathaway. Episodes 2, 5, and 7 are pretty good to great. The first and last episodes were just OK. Episode 4 (tennis) was a waste of time and episode 6 (dad) was cringey and creepy and bad. Guzmin is creepy as fuck, second only to daddy complex.
  11. I don't have any background in this and found the first episode extremely confusing. I'll probably keep watching a bit because the other HBO shows I watch have ended, but I hope they explain some shit fast. I hate it when shit is weird for the sake of being weird.
  12. They are terrible. We should win convincingly.
  13. Fucking hate the yellow scoring alert that looks like a flag.
  14. The issue isn't that Tulsi is a non-interventionist. It's that she's a dishonest non-interventionist. Her position should be that Assad, El-Sisi, etc. are horrible war criminals who have perpetrated terrible acts, but she just doesn't think the US has any business doing anything about it militarily. Instead, she has minimized and denied their crimes and given them public shows of support. That's why she's getting called a Russian asset, not mere non-interventionism.
  15. I know what he says, but that's not what I hear him actually proposing to do. His message is the standard bipartisan, common-sense solution thing. I mean, look at this ad: That's a return to normalcy message: let's end the partisan bickering, go back to the good ol' days when the extremes didn't dominate the conversation, and we can all come together to do the things we can all agree on as Americans. The problem is that it's idealized bullshit (in my opinion, of course). Partisan warfare is how shit has always gotten done in our adversarial system. The Dems' greatest modern achievements, like New Deal and Civil Rights Act, came through vicious political battles that were forced on the other side through sheer political power. And the extremes don't dominate right now. Only one extreme dominates —the far right — while the Dems has been a feeble centrist party since Clinton took office. It is only relative to that modern rightward shift that Warren's policies could be viewed as extreme. Pete even recognized as much early in his run before he settled on the Biden/Harris lane. I don't see any real difference between what Pete is saying and what Obama promised in 2008, aside from Pete wanted some structural reforms like eliminating the filibuster. Maybe that would be enough to have more success, but I'm skeptical about getting 50 Senate Dems. Either way, I see the lesson of the last decade as being that we have to fight from the left as hard as McConnell has been fighting from the right. Which is why Warren really resonates with me.
  16. That's not even worth debating. She has no chance. The threat she poses is as a spoiler
  17. I think she's a useful idiot and Russia is backing her any way they can. I don't think she's purposely colluding, but you can be an intelligence "asset" without realizing it.
  18. I get it too. But being satisfied by just calming down the incivility is a privilege many Americans don't have. And it's probably the biggest reason Pete can't attract any POC support. He's trying to return us to a normalcy that wasn't working for many of them or for working people of any race. His vision is an idealized version of the corporate-owned bipartisanship that's been sold as a virtue for decades, but has left the working class in the dust and led to Trumpism.
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