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The Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Dog

  1. yeah he could run again and be re-elected but part of the reason he won was based on the lies he told. This is a D +2 district that Biden won by 10 so most likely this will be a D pickup. Keeping in mind that the GOP's margin is already small things must be really bad for them to go through with this. I still think it's going to be difficult to get the 2/3rds vote.
  2. few things IMHO: We get in over Bama all other things being equal. Road win at their place. We have a common opponent with Oregon in Texas Tech. Oregon struggled in Lubbock earlier this year so if we pound Tech then there's an argument in our favor should it come down to Oregon/Texas for a spot. Utah also had a close win on the road against Baylor so that's two Pac 12 teams struggling with Big 12 dregs on the road. Works against their argument as to the depth of the conference IMHO. Of course we have to win out for any of that to matter but that's how I see it. As for the undefeateds: Ohio St/Michigan will take care of itself obviously. Michigan has to play Penn State on the road this weekend so they could already have a loss before that game. Washington cannot lose a game due to their strength of schedule. They also play a very backloaded schedule with USC and Oregon State both on the road. They should beat USC as the rubbers have lost to every team with a pulse but that Oregon State game is going to be tough. There's also a likely rematch with Oregon. See also Georgia for a backloaded schedule. They've beaten nobody and are trading on past successes. They're still good so winning out is likely even if they play Alabama. Florida St has the best chance to win out on paper but they have two big rivalry games left - Miami and Florida. Both are coached by idiots but at least Miami has the players. So we may have an undefeated Georgia with a bunch of 1 loss teams arguing over three spots.
  4. Big win at Notts today.
  5. The question I have is if it is televised will Fox and Newsmax televise it? I think the chances are better than we think simply because the ratings would be through the roof.
  6. Some of GOP loonies have even floated the idea that only people with college degrees should vote. Remember, they can't count.
  7. Takes a 2/3rd vote to expel. What usually occurs is the Ethics Committee will recommend expulsion, then the member in question resigns. Traficant didn't so they threw him out. I think Santos will stick around and make them throw him out. FIFY
  8. shot across the bow to make sure he doesn't renege on any deals. Make no mistake this guy is BAD for swing district Republicans. The kind of stuff the GOP ran with Pelosi as Speaker will now be run by Democrats (except of course framing him as being too conservative).
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