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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. I really thought Buffalo was going to pull it off in SB28 and would not have been too upset had they done so.
  2. Fever Pitch, no real rhyme or reason just like it.
  3. Biden wins General, resigns to let Kamala take over, after a while Kamala decides she doesn’t want it and hands it over to… You guessed right, @YGIFS
  4. MFer talked to a chair, Clint has had questionable decision making for a while.
  5. SMU putting up a 58 spot on Memphis in 1 H… ouch.
  6. John Stocking was a pretty good player, Dick Stocking was an even better play by play man and he married Leslie Visser.
  7. Lee Greenwood? Johnny Majors? help me out here, bro.
  8. I’m impressed they went with aloud rather than allowed.
  9. Which pathetic Repube is spotted wearing a pair out in public first? Cruz? Gump? Stefanik? Lady Bugs? Gums Scott? Qari?
  10. Calves bigger than mine… WNB.
  11. Breakfast sandwich from nearby mom & pop place…
  12. What’s your trick in getting them to stay still long enough to taste them?
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