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  1. Wife: Booked our flights for my friends wedding Me: Cool, where is it again? Wife: Just outside of DC Me: Great, I have a good friend in DC that we can stop and see Days later after messaging my friend to schedule Me: Why does my flight say Raleigh, NC? Wife: Because that is where the wedding is located Me: Is that near DC to you? Wife: Walks away
  2. Up there as it hit but left before the weekend. heading back this upcoming week.
  3. wackawacka


    My review of edibles based on legal locations: Canada: Eh! Portland: Hits different but maybe not just weed in these edibles! Seattle: Good experience SF: Mixed bag depending on store. Very wide variety LA: Why is every dosage 100mg?! Overkill on THC levels Denver: Good Shocked at the variability in experience but just maybe local brands are very different.
  4. schwarzenegger documentary on netflix is amazing.
  5. i am hooked but there is no plot development except dying in bombing runs. maybe starting in ep 6 or 7. definitely no character development. still hooked though.
  6. This makes me very concerned for democracy.
  7. They are an awesome startup success story for Austin. Who cares about the brand but huge for Austin startup community.
  8. just went this week. top of mountain is good. they have done enough work on bottom of mountain so you can ski all the way down. outside some freak warm weather and pray for some good snow then I think you will be in for a great trip.
  9. Inflation keeps falling. I bet partly that China is exporting deflation but expect this is to continue all of 2024. Team transitory!
  10. I ignored my portfolio all of 2022 and 2023. I am way up and glad that I didn't touch my investments for close to two years. Buy index and hold for the win.
  11. beto was a terrible campaigner who only excited the MILFs and die hard liberals.
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