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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. I wonder if placement payoff ever comes in to play. From everything I’ve seen, one seems to earn about $10,000 for every vote survived after the first jury member.

    So, stick with your three, guarantee that u get around $100k plus a minor shot at a mil OR make a move at 8, target yourself, earn ~ 30-40k and no shot at a mil.

    I’d go with the former.

  2. Gee I just can't imagine why Kellyn is divorced.  She's insufferable.  

    The edit was far too obvious as far as Wendell not going home.

    I don't want to dredge up an old debate from the last site, but I can't believe Sebastian chose an afternoon with his sister over an advantage to the game.


  3. Mine can be summed up quite easily with soccer.


    20 years ago, I was this guy—-“I’ll get u next time mothereffer.  You’d better watch your back.  I’ll beat your ass for slide tackling me from behind.”

    After a brawl that started at my game last week, I’m all —-“What the hell is wrong with y’all?  It’s just a stupid game.  We’ve all got to go to work tomorrow.”

  4. I watch, but it’s not really on my rush-home-to-see-it list.  Better than most things; not comparable to my favs.

    For some reason, my pacifist, violence-hating, father loves it.  Weird.

  5. Yeah I didn’t get the whole Instagram part.  They acted like they had absolutely no access to social media.  I was wondering if perhaps MTV took away their cell phones; however, they were using one shortly after Ronnie called prego.

    Deanna’s a beating.  I think we all had that friend in college that we knew we were going to have to babysit each time she joined us out.

  6. That was my issue.  I'm all about pulling the "hardass" routine; however, I have a personal problem bitching at someone in The Philippines because the 4th receiver in my upstairs play room isn't working properly.  

    I'd still rather deal with DirectTV over Comcast.  I damn near got arrested several years ago in dealing with them.

    Day 1 - Cancel cable but want to keep internet.  Returned cable box per their instructions.

    Day 30 - Get a bill for cable.  

    Days 30-60 - Multiple calls explaining that I canceled cable and THEY HAVE THE BOX!

    Day 61 - Get a bill for 2 months of unpaid cable.  Threats to cut off internet per past due bill.

    Day 70 - Internet gets cut off.

    Days 72 - 75 More phone calls.  No internet.  

    Day 76 - They finally admit their mistake, no past due bill, BUT they want me to pay a reconnection fee of $50 to turn the internet back on.

    Day 77 - In person visit to customer service center.  Absolutely lose it when I'm told that they will not drop reconnection fee.  Ask for a supervisor and am told, "I don't have one".  At this point, I'm shadowed by 2 security guards until leaving.



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  7. Lulz.

    Since moving back to the area after 20 years in TN, I'm still getting acclimated.  I didn't realize Meshack was located about 3 mins from where I teach.  Sweet.  I'm all over that and will report back.

  8. Two ?'s.

    1)  In Sydney Sherman's TX/OSU video above, I don't understand the first call.  The ref that throws the flag is down the field and #77 (Vahe?) is the only one anywhere close to him or in his line of site.  The flag is on #74.  I do recall the end of the game but not this call.  Was it really that bad?

    2)  I've heard the Teaff game referenced, but it was before my time.  I'm not sure there's video of the raping, so can someone kind of explain what happened without the PTSD?

  9. Well that kind of sucked but this is weird.  My daughter actually knows, and graduated with, Michael Yerger.  My wife mentioned something about him graduating from Bearden High School in Knoxville.  His bio says that he lives in LA.  Talked to my daughter tonight.  She went to both middle and high school with him.  Said she didn't run in the same circles with him as he was more of a prep/football player.  She said is was a pretty nice guy and won "Most Likely to Succeed".

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  10. Yeah. Knew I was missing one.  5th down.

    i know some on here aren’t keen on soccer, but the US got screwed pretty bad a few years ago.  Road game in qualification.  Player on another team walks by a US player and drops to the ground.  Ref gave a red card which also knocked him out of the next game.  With all the diving in soccer, any experienced ref would, and should, know better to make such an important call w/o actually seeing a punch.

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