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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by B00M

  1. 2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I’ve been flipping between CNN and Fox News. No CR. Fox has been talking all morning about the democratic races. Just laser focused on it. Very little about the markets and almost nothing about the virus except how the dem candidates are handling rallies and their advanced ages. 

    I bring it up because it is important to understand that half the country that gets their news from this outlet absolutely do not have any sense or urgency or belief this is a big deal. This matters in regards to social distancing for everyone. 

    I've noticed this interacting with people (via email or phone, fuck f2f). If I had a suspicion of their political leanings, they make it clear as day when we discuss CV. It's really disheartening. I turned on rush Limbaugh for a few about 2 minutes yesterday hoping he was educating people... He was STILL ranting that this was a political scheme to hurt Trump, and the only reason people care is to bring down Trump's economy. YESTERDAY. AFTER ALL THE NEWS OUT OF MILAN. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    This is terrifying. I hope the information within is incorrect or embellished: 




    Yesterday the cutoff was 65 y/o and they were already maxed out before today's new wave... 


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  3. 1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

    Just stop, I never argued it is the flu.  The casual observer or poster to this point probably has been comparing it to the flu and not calling it the flu.  As you argued the president himself has compared it to the flu and he was advised by phd's and people in the know, smarter than i, and wasn't corrected to use different language or terminology.  So, that some poster on the interwebs, me, hasn't gotten the update not to say "flu" is no surprise.  Even if Covid-19 was a flesh eating disease and has killed the number of people china is reporting.  My question still remains has it been worth the damn panic this country is showing?    Viruses we shall no longer name kills 14-60k of people every year per the CDC.  Why the panic for this one disease?  Either way i expect more from those in control.  Say its some bad shit and thats why we are wearing body armor to treat people or tell people to calm the fuck down because the panic is stupid.  Its hurting people either way.   Its hurting more people than Covid-19 has impacted so far.  Either way they should step up and do a better job managing at least one side and its panic.   


    Coronavirus is projected to spread to the entire world's population over time. How long this takes depends on how we behave. It's spreading faster than flu does and killing at a much higher RATE. Coronavirus/covid kills about 20 times more people that get infected than the flu does. Slowing the spread can drive down that 20x multiplier for 2 key reasons: (1) when it spreads uncontrolled, it overwhelms hospitals and people that wouldn't otherwise die, do! And (2) the slower it spreads the more time we have to develop treatments or a vaccine.

    Please, take it seriously and begin social distancing NOW.

  4. 9 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

    Mhm.  So like i was asking...what can be done to address the panic to an uninformed public?  

    The only panic thus far as been an irrational run on TP and water. 

    There will be panic when NYC becomes Milan because our president and so many people are down playing this. The only way to reduce the panic is to spread it out by being honest with the public, at the potential expense of the stock market. 


  5. 35 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

    It could say something like, why worry about Corona when you live with people who have been dying all day every day your whole life, Corona only adds a few more.  Isn't this what the CDC is saying?  Isnt this what the President is saying because the WHO and CDC is saying it?  If the bigger issue is panic and not the virus itself ...


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  6. 23 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    The extended quarantine around Lombardy is an example of why attempted containment is idiotic. They're doubling down, when they need to realize it's already out of containment. It's a waste of time

    Are you also in the stop testing camp? What the fuck are you talking about? It's the last resort to keep the entire nation's medical system from being over run. It allows doctors and nurses to come in from other parts of the country to help. This strategy appears to have worked in China and their successful implementation is half the reason people here don't think this is a big deal.

  7. 2 hours ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    This is so stupid. It is clear the panic is overblown.

    To who? Seemingly every expert disagrees with you.

    2 hours ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    Australia has it well contained

    False. A Dr had it and forced the closure of a clinic. They have dozens of confirmed cases there now. It's spreading quietly and exponentially just like every where else. 

    2 hours ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    contained in their hot weather, which we should be getting in the next month in most places. 

    It's assumed that it will, but it's yet to be determined if hot weather actually slows the spread. 

  8. 1 hour ago, triplehorn said:

    Testing is still very important even if we're past contain



    For real you people saying to stop testing are just ignorant. Lots of people still think this isn't a big deal and dont get why SXSW was cancelled. 

    St. Louis cancelled social gatherings immediately when Spanish flu was detected. Philly down played it. Testing and social distancing is the right thing to do.


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  9. 1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Trump said today “we’ve stopped it”. Truly his “Mission Accomplished” moment. 

    If this is from the vid HenryJames posted it appears "it" is actually travel from China, not coronavirus... But it's just as likely you're right due to his shitty, vague use of English.

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