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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by B00M

  1. On 2/20/2020 at 8:59 AM, Lobo said:

    This summer is gonna bring another half-dozen of these, I guarantee.  And the Austin fire chief will be pressured to hide the causes.  

    We'll hear some shit like an old car with a catalytic converter backfired on dry grass.  

    Half dozen? I'll take the over

    • Like 1
  2. U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter.


    I wish we'd stop giving Russian troll bots legitimacy, but they're reportedly supporting Trump AND Sanders. 


  3. 6 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I doubt any pitcher is getting ejected for beaning an Astro next season

    Maybe 50 years ago. Today? They'll be protected. Opponents will need to be subtle if they want to get away with it.

    It will be interesting to see how many fights the Astros get into this year.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Do you now? You know the Yankess scored a grand total of 3 runs in the four games they lost right? They didn't score more than one run in any game in Houston. Not going to win many games like that. 

    Nice spin! And the Astros scored 5 runs in the 3 games they lost, getting shut out once. I hate the Yankees but that series was epic. Game 3 was the only blow out. Regardless of runs scored, home team won every game. As txhorns pointed out, every pitch impacts the game, so every foul ball, watched ball, walk, single, etc that otherwise may not have happened can't be dismissed. I'm lazy so I'll just point out solo HRs in Houston. 

    Game 1: Astros 2, Yankees 1 @Hou

    Game 2: Astros 2, Yankees 1 @Hou (Correa's solo HR?)

    Game 3: Astros 1, Yankees 8

    Game 4: Astros 4, Yankees 6

    Game 5: Astros 0, Yankees 5

    Game 6: Astros 7, Yankees 1 @Hou

    Game 7: Astros 4, Yankees 0 @Hou (Gattis solo HR in 4th was 1st run of game; Altuve solo in 5th was 2nd run...)

    I was and will continue to root for the Astros...

  5. 5 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    For one, it ties directly to evidence that Trump repeatedly lied to the Special Counsel, obvious felonies.

    "In written responses to the prosecutors last year, Trump stated, “I do not recall discussing WikiLeaks with [Stone], nor do I recall being aware of Mr. Stone having discussed WikiLeaks with individuals associated with my campaign.” Trump also told Mueller: “I do not recall being told during the campaign that Roger Stone or anyone associated with my campaign had discussions with any of the entities named in the question [including WikiLeaks] regarding the content or timing of release of hacked emails.”"

    "I do not recall.." ~30 times in written responses.

    Does that successfully cover his ass? What degree of doubt could a jury have to find guilt?

    I guess it's moot. 

    So in a sentence:

    Roger Stone lied to Congress and intimidated a witness in order to cover up Trump's acceptance of benefit from a foreign national (Assange/wikileaks) in the run-up to the 2016 election, and protect him from potential purgery committed during the Mueller investigation. 



  6. 4 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    you absolutely can equate the two.  you're saying that if the baserunner relays the signs its okay, but if someone in the dugout does it, its not.  I call bullshit on that.  there is nothing illegal about sign stealing, or even relaying signs.  what the rule says is no technology.  I call bullshit on that too.  in this day and age of technology - cell phones, ai, smartwatches, etc it will be more and more commonplace.  the result of this controversy wont be to end sign stealing or relaying, but to initiate the advent of better signals.   its not stealing if they give it to you, and the signals are clear for everyone to see.  come with a better system.

    I couldn't disagree with this more. 

    But what you're suggesting is that pitchers and catchers must wear radio receivers and get the calls from the dugout because there's no system of signs from a catcher to pitcher that can defeat a camera and machine learning. And hell, those radio comms better be fucking encrypted.

    That's the game you want?


    • Like 1
  7. You can't equate what the Astros did with a baserunner relaying a sign, which doesn't even happen at the MLB level because pitchers/catchers prevent it with systems of signs. This is also why the Astros couldn't cheat with runners on 2nd base. 

    Correas' explanation of why the Dodgers didn't get cheated out of a WS was pretty awesome. I suspect the Yankees had a stronger argument...

    But cameras have been in the OF since it was possible to put them there.  


    But with machine learning this will only get worse.


    • Like 2
  8. 39 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Here's what he did:


    See particularly p. 22 concerning the false statements.

    In summary, he lied to Congress about his contact with Wikileaks in order to obstruct the investigation of links between the Trump Campaign and Wikileaks.  He tampered with Credico to avoid discovery of his lies.

    Nothing in his convictions bears on the criminality of his contacts with Wikileaks.

    The fact that he obstructed on these issues implies that it was, at minimum, embarrassing for the Trump campaign, if not somehow criminal.

    Thank you.

    Hard to imagine someone risking jail to save Trump embarrassment since he brings it upon himself daily with zero fucks.

    So what's the most likely way that Trump's contact with wikileaks was criminal? Is there an agreed upon theory?



  9. 20 hours ago, Napoleon said:


    No one could tear new assholes like Senator Warren and everyone was afraid of being bullied. A party of bitches. 

    Sure, but... Trump had no political record to criticize, unlike Bloomberg. I think the expectation was that he would lose because he's a clown that didn't know shit about shit, so attacking his character only brought you down to his level. Exposing him as a fool at the debates (for those that hadn't seen his rallies) was probably the best approach in the primary, but he says so much stupid shit that there's seemingly no gaffe that can hurt him. He's so dumb he can't be embarrassed. It's a gift. Now that he has more knowledge of the system, I don't see how anyone can damage him at a debate. Any Dem may be better off simply not debating him. 

  10. I'm sure it's been covered but it probably deserves repeating. Stone lied to Congress about his connection to Assange. Claiming it was Credico when it was actually Corsi. Then he threatened Credico and his pet godfather-style. He clearly lied and witness tampered. 

    But how did this lie cover for Trump? I'm not asking because I'm skeptical. I need the dot connected for me like I'm a child. Shortest simplest answer wins.

  11. 10 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Wait til that triple SEC tourny in Houston to feel feelings. The baby Broncos won't tell us anything.

    That sounds like confidence. I think you meant to say the Broncos are going to shove our shit in. 

    • Like 1
  12. 58 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    It's a start.

    Needs to throw more first pitch strikes but 14% SwStr% after facing 18 batters is very impressive.

    Something isn't adding up here. 70 pitches minus 31 strikes minus 24 balls = 15 undefined pitches ... I would assume this would be pitches put into play + fouled off but it says contact was made on 22 with 11 balls put into play... 



  13. 15 hours ago, Horny Bull said:

    It appears he's getting the start tonight. 

    Yeah Fozzzzzz you satisfied? Maybe he's the mid week starter moving forward with an opportunity to steal a weekend spot.

  14. One of our 2 year old twin girls, the one that used to be closest to me, recently decided that if mom is around, I'm not allowed to pick her up or comfort her. Once mom leaves, she wants to be in my lap and stops treating me like I'm a fucking stranger... Her favorite word might be nipples, which gets me. She said fuck the other morning in the car. I blame mom. She's given her sister PTSD from snatching her toys. Now even when she's not snatching, sister assumes she is, and goes on a crying run around the house. Then when I take the useless piece of plastic that triggered all the shit, they will lay side by side to throw their temper tantrums, and all I can think is, "well, at least they're doing this together"


  15. On 2/8/2020 at 10:33 AM, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    we have these for the front door  and door to garage. it doesnt happen often but sometimes theres news stories of kids going outside in the middle of the night and freezing to death up here. Might need these for 1.5 year olds room if he starts climbing out of the crib on an consistent basis, or just get one of those netted bubbles until hes like 2 for peace of mind


    I had to replace every damn interior lever knob with the old school round knobs... But its only a matter of time til they're letting themselves into everywhere.

    Threw these mother fuckers on the exterior doors because my spawns are maybe a month from unlocking them and walking out:




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