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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by B00M

  1. 3 hours ago, Fletch said:

    Fuckin awesome seeing the new faces provide some pop. Also loved seeing some fire and intensity throughout the weekend. 

    Any word on who’s starting against UTSA? Kubichek? Bryant? 

    In case anyone else was concerned, it looks like Nico is at Fresno St.

  2. 26 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    I use Sling with Chromecast and it is strugg-a-ling big time with pixelation, etc. Picture quality is often horrible for stretches. Anybody else experiencing the same? 

    Occassionally it will freeze (screen goes black) but if I wait 3-5 seconds it resumes no problem. Even rarer Sling will close, but when you restart, whatever you were watching resumes where you were. I've never seen the pixelation. Time Warner internet with Sling over Wi-Fi thru Fire TV and fire sticks

  3. 1 minute ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I still haven't figured out how to get LHN after PSVue folded.  It really sucks that it's not on ESPN+.  If it was they would get my money.  I  thought I was going to be able to use the ex's ATT login, but apparently she's too cheap to get the package that includes it.


    While I really miss PSVue's record-every-got-damn-baseball-game-ever feature... Sling is less glitchy, so I dont have to worry about it ruining games for me by going live like PSVue often did. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, ss13 said:

    He didn’t though. He just drug his bat because the call sucked. I was watching live, they showed plenty of angles. All 3 announcers thought it was horseshit too. 

    If he wasn't showing where he thought the pitch was, we are in agreement that he was showing up the umpire. Shitty umps are usually the most sensitive because deep down they know they suck. When you show the stadium that they suck, you're playing with fire.

    Do you have video of this whole AB and maybe his prior at bats? I'm really curious what preceded this.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    I wouldn't project Stevens to give up fewer hits this season than Cole based on what they did last season.  What is more meaningful in evaluating how each pitcher will perform this season is that Cole got far more Ks while walking fewer batters than Stevens last year.  The only other relievers on the staff with Cole's ability to miss bats struggle terribly to find the zone.    

    K:BB is something pitchers obsess over but it isn't the whole story. Asking Stevens to get just 1-2 outs to wiggle out of jams when there's a base open has typically worked. He'll probably walk a guy but he's just as likely to create weak contact by making a guy chase. Opposing batting averages vs Stevens were .205 last year compared to .250 for Cole. Cole definitely has more professional potential and could be used in seemingly any role in the staff (perhaps hes a weekend starter next year?), but Stevens has embraced the back-to-back(-back?) day stopper role that most guys probably want to avoid for the long term health of their arms. 


  6. 56 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Why would Quintanilla not be your highest leverage reliever?

    Perhaps I'm confused on what you mean by highest leverage. Tristan Stevens has been pretty effective as a stopper dating back to last year. He's effectively wild compared to a consistent strike thrower like Cole. I like Cole a lot, he's going to be great, but if I recall, he got a lot of the plate last year when he was ahead in counts which ballooned his ERA in conference play. Maybe his stuff is just a little better this year so he can get away with it? 

  7. On 2/15/2020 at 3:56 PM, ss13 said:

    So fucking ridiculous. Mid-AB, true freshman, 9th inning of a 1-run season opener. 

    Yeah but... Showing where you thought the pitch was with your bat will get you ejected 9 outta 10 times. Umps are super sensitive to that. 


  8. 2 minutes ago, jkates said:



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's awesome!! Looks like hes about to enter his prime baseball loving years.. Been about a decade since I compared a college ball to MLB, those seams look pretty serious still

  9. 1 hour ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Kennedy steals 2nd throw hits the pitcher

    Lulz that's pretty rare. Any more details?

    Appreciate the play by play! I tried to listen to the game earlier but there was silence. Only caught the bottom of the 9th.

    I got Sling specifically to watch the home baseball games. We may still suck dick but at least we're 2-0!!! 🤘🤘

  10. 53 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Have you never gotten a blowjob from a skinny chick who can eat her entire weight in food and just happens to have a super high metabolism? Maybe you should be afraid that she might lose control and just start chomping on it? Or maybe blowjobs are just aren't for you?

    Somebody sounds fat

    • Like 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    OK, how do  you feel about this scenario?  We know Trump has the R nomination locked up.  (Heh.  "Locked up.")

    What if legions of R voters cross to the D primaries and vote for Bloomberg, feeling (and rightly so) that at least he's not anything like Bernie, so they'd rather hedge their bets for the general election?  Would you just call that "the will of the Democrats"?

    Isn't it far more likely that the never trump R legion will vote for Pete or Amy since they appear more viable, and probably more moderate, than Bloomberg? 

    Trumpers aren't going to vote en mass in the D primary. They're obviously too busy winning and not giving a shit. 


  12. 13 minutes ago, Jersey Man10 said:
    2 hours ago, B00M said:
    Interesting. Why? He's a fellow manual transmission guy, so he's trying to maintain a slow speed rather than stopping constantly and having to work the clutch (and brakes). 

    I drive a manual and I sure as hell don't leave huge ass gaps. I'm trying to move up asap. Also I'm not a pussy so I can shift from neutral to 1st in a nano second.


    I bet you power shift the fuck out of that Accord




  13. From what I can find Limbaugh hasn't even tried to defend this. Is there any precedent at all? Hopefully the judge ignores the DOJ.


    RUSH: Ah, my friends, this is so much fun to watch. Now, you know that Roger Stone was given a sentence of seven to nine years for bragging about knowing Trump and WikiLeaks and whatever the hell else they think he did. And the Drive-Bys, it’s about all they were gonna get out of the Russia thing is Roger Stone going to jail for seven — that was gonna have to do, that was gonna have to suffice for victory.

    Well, they are about to blow a gasket in the Drive-By Media ’cause the DOJ just announced that seven to nine years is excessive and that they’re gonna drastically reduce it. And so CNN’s got a whole panel convened, “Can you believe? This is just not done. The DOJ does not countermand judicial sentences like this. This is more Trump corruption.” They’re driving themselves crazy. Trump is driving them nuts. And I have to tell you, it is entertaining to watch.

  14. Buddy of mine faced this scenario on I-35 in northbound rush hour traffic. He was leaving a few-car gap in front of him: a trivial thing that made the guy behind him surly. After tail gating for a while, he makes his move to pass on the shoulder. Buddy played traffic cop so well that he got rear ended. Other guy took the worst of it grinding the barrier too. Turned out their was no emergency, the asshole was just in a bad mood from driving all day. Buddy opted not to submit the dash cam footage to insurance. 

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