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Posts posted by B00M

  1. 6 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I read an article about it on my Apple newsfeed like a month ago. I assume it was known and linked here around then. They said in the story it would take half a year or more to get anything produced en masse. I think the company that did it was based in San Diego, if that helps. 

    Must be Inovio. They're projecting human clinical trials in April, results in the fall, and 1 million doses produced by end of 2020 for further trials and emergency use.

  2. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    1) that doesn't shock me.

    2) I wonder if that stat is really generation-specific, or if it's more age-specific?

    That is, had you polled previous generations (Gen X, Boomers, etc) at the same age, would they have performed similarly?

    My hypothesis: young people are naive, stupid, and not very well-informed.  As a former young person, I can vouch for this hypothesis.  I may have been slightly more financially literate than most, but I wasn't super savvy in my early 20s.

    Young people? Early 20s? I think Gen Z starts in 1995 so millenials are barely clinging to the early 20s and many are pushing 40.

    I'm an elder millenial myself and most millenials i meet are just stupid fucking broke dick losers, so these results make sense to me. 

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    Los Alamos reanalyzed Chinese data to estimate the initial  R0 was 4.7 to 6.6 and the doubling period 2.4 days.

    If we assume community spread is three people removed from person zero for a given cluster of cases with an R0 of 4 that means 64 people might be infected.

    It takes 4.5 days on average before symptoms and the average person waits 5 days before being hospitalized. Intubation, when necessary, happens in 7 to 9 days after initial  symptoms. So the woman in NorCal was infected over three weeks ago. During that time the number of cases have doubled 7 to 9 times. Compute 64 to the 7th or 9th power to get an estimate the current  number of infected in that cluster alone.


    64*2^7 to 64*2^9 = 8,192 to 32,768

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  4. Even if they do, a bed and antibiotics don't treat viral pneumonia.

    Once the, as we've realized, very limited number of ventilators are taken, anyone with severe form of this is in serious shit. Several high profile 30-something doctors in China have died. Maybe they were exposed to high concentrations of the virus treating the sick, but seriously fuck the selfish people that want to downplay this. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, HiggyBaby said:

    Thought this was an interesting read. Falls in line with what my sister in law, an internist, has been telling us. Much ado about nothing, other than it spreads easily.



    Did you just get here?

    If you have elderly friends or parents, especially if they smoked or have other underlying health issues, this is a very big deal. The way this spreads and requires ventilators for so many of those infected means it could easily overwhelm our medical system. People that would not have died from a flu are going to die from this. Don't be a dumbass that's part of the problem, heed the CDC's warnings.

  6. So that nytimes corona virus goes global podcast was pretty interesting. 

    Too long didnt listen: most kids will not get severe form of this because kids are trading similar corona viruses all the time. Most "colds" are corona viruses. The older you are and the more your natural immunity to those childhood viruses has waned, and the more compromised your lungs are (smokers), the more likely you are to have a severe case you can't recover from. 

    Prepare your angus to stay home for a month. The US can't handle this because we dont have enough ventilators. 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Actually, you don't see the problem.  Nobody here is saying we can fully contain it.

    Using your example, if we could quarantine 90% of the people coming in to the US with the virus, that would be fucking awesome.  Absolutely fucking awesome.  Because, we will have a much better chance of providing the needed care for the cases that result from the 10% that slipped in.

    I really don't think you comprehend what 5,000 hospital beds in Austin or 20,000 beds in Houston means.   Maybe one of the Surly med professionals can help - @ChiTownDoc or somebody can inform you, but most of those beds are not empty most of the time.

    I also don't think you comprehend what a 10-20% hospitalization rate means, and I really don't think you comprehend how intensive this care is - this isn't the flu where it kicks your ass for a few days - this is putting a good chunk of people into a very limited supply of hospital beds for 2-3 weeks, and they are having to be treated by medical professionals in PPE gear.

    And I wonder how much PPE hospitals have on hand, when the Health and Human Services Secretary is saying they only have 30 million masks and need 300 million more.

    This, so much this. Anything we can do to slow the spread is good. Now is not the time for arrogance.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Helobious said:

    It’s hard to imagine it getting to apocalyptic levels like you and others on here predict. For example I’d be shocked if it isn’t currently being transmitted openly across the US. I wouldn’t even be surprised if I have been exposed to it already. 

    Huh? For weeks now, people simply being tested for coronavirus has made national headlines... By now everyone that gets the flu is suspected of having covid, but you think Americans are openly spreading it and no one is getting to the pneumonia phase, which is like day 8-9? 

  9. I've read it as jiff for 20+ years since I first encountered these images with transparent backgrounds that were sometimes annoying to put on my shitty websites. 

    Jay-pegs and jiffs mother fuckers

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