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Stella Link

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Everything posted by Stella Link

  1. Allergy Clinic, 7707 Fannin, Suite 100, 77054, 713-797-0993. Also locations in Pasadena, Pearland and Museum District. Been a patient of Dr. Engler and Dr. Malick for years. Have always been very impressed with them. I call them my "Dr. Feel Good"...lol
  2. Cataracts run in my family. After my parents had cataract surgery, they both had 20/20 vision. I figure I'll probably need cataract surgery at some point when I get older, so I'm holding off on Lasik surgery until then.
  3. I read one of the best conclusions about China from a Wall Street Journal article many years ago...China manufacturers don't innovate, they just copy.
  4. I've been to several DQs that are hole in the walls....very old and outdated. But the food is always great. Some of these are competing with very large and new truck stops / convenience stores too.
  5. So, do you drink it, use it as cologne, or polish furniture with it?
  6. So, police or ANYONE can't seem to find a naked guy walking or running around the area???
  7. When I'm in a hurry as I'm walking in the grocery store with a cart, and an old lady with her cart in front of me just stops in the middle of the entrance door, and there's no room to go around her....so you have to wait while other people with carts also trying to get in the store stack up behind you.
  8. I just use a spreadsheet to keep track of my different usernames and passwords (along with security questions, etc.) for the different websites/accounts. I print it out and keep it in a secured place just in case my computer and backup fail. XYZ Bank / username / password / security question answers
  9. Force field down in H-Town tonight.....listening to some classic Shirley Bassey during the rain drops, sipping some scotch....all is good...
  10. I'll believe it when I see it. Hoping for some rain tonight.
  11. This industry is a con job. Margins on mattresses are high...lots of profit. Most of these different retailers sell the exact same mattress with a different name. That's why it's difficult to shop for a mattress from store to store. Industry claims that mattresses can double in weight due to the accumulation of dust mites and dead skin cells are bunk. Plus, the "replace after 8" is just a marketing spiel created by the industry to get people to replace their mattress sooner than it needs to be replaced, this creating more sales.
  12. As long as you look and act like Gladys Kravitz, they'll let you join.
  13. Nextdoor post this evening: "Found a turtle down by the stream....did anyone lose a turtle?"
  14. I second the motion. Looks great!!
  15. God bless Barbara Bush and the Bush family.
  16. Just heard it. Such a gracious lady. God bless Barbara Bush and the Bush family.
  17. Bingo. People let out their dogs and cats and then wonder why they don't come back. Some do come back, but some don't. The sad thing is, many get hit by cars.
  18. Loved Night Court, and Harry was a very good comedian too. RIP
  19. Every Friggin day.... Lost cat... Found cat..... Lost dog.... Found dog.... Lost cat.... Found cat.... Lost dog... Found dog.... repeat, repeat, repeat...
  20. Ok, so who are these countries that are running up all of the global debt? We need to cut off their credit and put them on a austerity repayment plan.....oh, wait....
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