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Posts posted by royiv

  1. 20 minutes ago, immamac said:

    So like 15 people who were exclusively focused on DEI with no legal overlap somewhere else where they could broaden scope are out and all the other programs are just being absorbed and expanded effectively having no change to the DEI mission without specifically calling it DEI? cool, cool, cool. 

    If what you suppose is the case, and maybe it will turn out that it is, why did our elected politicians need to pass a law to address it? That just feels to me like we made university administrators do a lot of work to restructure programs all in the name of politics.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 2 minutes ago, safe sex said:

    I met a Toast at Cheer-Ups the other night. Might be my new fave

    I know a dog named Toast.

  3. 22 hours ago, safe sex said:

    Lmao, Mildred is pretty tame as far as chosen names for trans people go.

    I've lost track of the number of trans Leafs, Rivers, Siriuses, Jupiters, Lucifers, Mosses, Herculeses, Ramseses, Rains, etc etc that I've met while both working in queer healthcare and being a big gaymo myself

    I have two Nirvanas in my neighborhood orbit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, huge said:

    I see them as preventative more than anything.  I guess it's a luxury, to pay extra for fewer shitty interactions.

    I hear you, but it eventually contributes to a bigger gap between the haves and have nots as opposed to actually addressing the root problem. Since that’s not going to happen any time soon we play with what we have, I suppose.

  5. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I wasn't referring to HEB BBQ, I was referring to the BBQ joint in Houston called The Pit Room.  I didn't want to further derail the HEB thread by asking there.

    On a good day, it can be very, very good. I’ve also had Pit Room and a bad day and it was pretty terrible. I live right smack in between the Pit Room and Truth so I go to Truth 9 times out of 10.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    But let’s be honest about the homeless “problem”. The problem isn’t that the don’t have a dwelling. No one really cares if they have houses. A “solution” to the problem, in everyone’s eyes just means that we don’t have to see these ugly people in places we want to be.

    Call it what it is.

    A true solution requires a big investment in mental health and substance abuse treatment and we know that’s not going to happen. Instead, we use the justice system at a higher price.

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  7. 1 hour ago, huge said:

    Has anyone waded through all that?  Very small data point but the constable in my neighborhood is helpful and seems like a much better option than calling HPD/911.

    I read it when it came out a week or two ago. Pretty good read. Bottom line is that Harris County has empowered the constables to create a place in the law enforcement ecosystem that is unique in the state.

    To your point about the constable being more helpful than calling HPD, that was one of the main points of the article. Basically, the constables don’t and won’t investigate real crime. They respond to nuisance shit which makes them viewed favorably in the community. All of these elected constables are greatly incentivized to go out and sell their services to neighborhoods to expand their fiefdom. 

    One of the funniest things in the series was about a particular precinct that doesn’t have any HCTRA roads in it. The constable was mad because his precinct wasn’t getting any of that sweet, sweet HCTRA ticket revenue so HCTRA carved off a few miles of BW8 so that this precinct’s deputies could patrol it.

    it makes some pretty good points that lead you to question the expansion of constables into law enforcement instead of being process servers since it is diverting resources away from the sheriff’s office.

  8. 31 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I'm as full of disdain for for the people who support Trump as anyone on this website, but casually clasifying them as people in trailer parks is dismissive, but more importantly dangerous. And it glosses over the true power this propoganda has had on American society. On my retired parents street, which is a retiree neighborhood, there are multiple doctors, succesfull businessmen, quite a few millionaires (or people with 2-3 homes), etc. And they all to a person vote for Trump and repeat all of the fucking lies. 40% of Americans don't live in a fucking trailer park, but 40% love Trump. Dismissing them all as trailer trash is a mistake, imo. 

    Your point is very valid. I was going more about the uneducated that make up his most enthusiastic and cult like base. The people on the videos from rallies that get posted on Twitter and we all laugh at. That’s the frustrating thing to me. These are people that Trump despises yet they worship him. And then the assumingly educated folks you refer to are in on it as well for reasons I’ll never understand.

    I’ve made jokes about it before, but the fact is that traffic on this site would take an huge hit if all the Trumpers moved to TexAgs where they belong. There are lots of folks that received an education at this once fine state’s flagship university that not only think this is all hunky dory, they vote for it enthusiastically.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Just for grins, I looked up violent crime statistics for New York state.  They peaked in 1990, with 1,181 instances of violent crime per 100,000 people.  That number is currently 429 instances per 100,000 people, a reduction of nearly 64%.

    But, people believe Trump anyway, and the media mostly just sits on its hands.

    Because these people never leave their trailer parks to see the world for themselves so they believe everything that’s shoveled at them by Trump. These dimwits are the exact reason why the GQP wants to dismantle the education system in this country.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    No no, you've got it all wrong.

    1. Removing dead bodies and electric scooters from town lake 

    And we have no idea how many dead bodies and scooters are in the lake so we can’t determine the effectiveness of these initiatives.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Boss Hogg said:

    Goes back to a former CEO from 2005-2015


    “Prince Jim”—as some long-timers used to call him—repeatedly invoked a slur for longtime engineers and skilled machinists in the obligatory vanity “leadership” bookhe co-wrote. Those who cared too much about the integrity of the planes and not enough about the stock price were “phenomenally talented assholes,” and he encouraged his deputies to ostracize them into leaving the company. 



    Phenomenally talented assholes are probably the exact people you want designing airplanes.

  12. 14 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Well, that would be a war crime. But hey, what pause has our country given Israel up until this point? They seem determined to do whatever they like in Gaza with little consequence from the international community. 

    Bibi laughs at your war crimes.

  13. 10 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    1. The housing code changes 
    2. City manager
    3. APD funding/contract
    4. Various brick-a-brack/crises that comes with being a mayor

    Yeah, City Manager is definitely up there and had a brain fart on thinking of that one. I would put that one first. I’m not really seeing shit on APD or the housing code changes. 

  14. The cynical part of me wonders if IDF did this on purpose to impose more suffering in Gaza knowing that WCK would limit or pull out of Gaza after these attacks. At the same time, I agree with other posters that this is going to do more damage in their PR battle. This pisses me off right good as WCK is one of the best and most effective NGOs out there.

    • Rage+1 3
  15. 24 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    You know, one reason I voted for Watson because I felt like he would drive some common sense policies regarding homeless. Instead, it seems like it's become the fifth or sixth most important policy. Real disappointing.

    Meanwhile, we got machete attacks, murders, hotel fires, environmental impact, having to put up fencing everywhere instead of having natural areas. I understand that we don't want to be seen as  on people that are having a hard time already, but what we seem to be doing now is no good for anyone.

    Serious question, what do you think priorities 1-4 or 1-5 are because I can’t figure out what the heck Watson is doing?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 11 minutes ago, ztejas said:


    AUSTIN, Texas - The Austin Fire Department is hoping to remove hundreds of electric scooters and bikes from Lady Bird Lake.

    Recently, members of the AFD RED (Robotic Emergency Deployment) Team tested out a submersible remotely operated vehicle (ROV). While testing the equipment, they spotted an e-bike and a robotic arm attached to the ROV was able to grab a wheel and pull it out of the water.

    jesus christ GIF

    Why should taxpayers be on the hook for this? If the scooter companies want to operate in Austin, removing scooters from the lake should be a cost of doing business for them. They should be allowed a finite number of scooters. Deploy 100 scooters and you’re down to 90, better go diving in the lake to retrieve 10 before you can replace them.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  17. 36 minutes ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    Ummm yea..... of course it was. Point is not everyone who buys a Tesla is a Maga idiot. The lack of QC/radar and other proper shit, is now priced into the Model 3 and Y and it's tough to beat them on price. 

    No shit, but they ARE useful idiots that are indirectly supporting the MAGA agenda by putting money in the pocket of Elon. That’s the point.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  18. Just now, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    I've seen this sentiment posted a few times. For those of us that are not as familiar with House structural politics, can you explain HOW that scenario could come to light? Enough R's defect and vote on the D side to elect Jeffries? Is that all it is? Seems like there would be more to it, but maybe not

    You’ve got it. What some people are saying is that the Ds could horse trade with a handful of Rs to get them to vote for Jeffries. What I think is more likely is the opposite, which would be for the Ds to horse trade with Johnson to save his ass. Whatever happens, it will be entertaining to watch the GQP infighting.

    • Drool 1
  19. 12 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    I'm getting some notifications for multiple gunshot wounds at southpark meadows from rhe citizen app

    Someone was pissed when they showed up for the Pearl Jam show and found out it had been turned into a shopping center.

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