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Posts posted by royiv

  1. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:


    I'll be more specific for incredulity. Zork was a pretty old guy, who I believe was having a difficult divorce from his wife, and the kids were being used as a weapon, per him. They were older, adult kids or teenagers, I think. Anyway, he was learning all about the world of internet dating, and he got himself conned by someone claiming to be a young woman interested in him. The depression of that and his situation with his kids seemed too much, so he called it quits. That's my memory of it anyway. 

    IIRC, there were a lot of guys on here warning him that he was getting catfished.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    they didn’t let you into the bar ?

    Bar was packed and we were with another couple so we wanted to sit. Ended up at the bar at Potente, which worked out better since it’s one of my favorite places in Houston. After hundreds of expense account steakhouse dinners in Houston I’m kind of over the generic copy/paste steakhouse experience. 

  3. 12 hours ago, safe sex said:

    It's fucking ridiculous how many people have post counts in the 1000s that won't throw Surly $3.50/month 

    Well, imma called me a “whiney bitch” and said he could “give 2 fucks” about me subscribing when I dared to give feedback about ads on a thread he started to solicit feedback about ads so I’ve taken that to heart and never subscribed. When the owner was clear that he doesn’t want/need my money, I listened.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 4 hours ago, txduck87 said:

    Where is the best place to eat downtown before an Astros game? Firm I invest some dough with is taking me and have asked my preference.

    $$$ isn’t an object. They from Chicago so don’t know the town and I’m a suburbs idiot now.

    Is Irma’s southwest still a thing? Vic and Anthony’s ? Those used to be my go to when I still worked but it’s been a decade. Anything hip and trendy? I’ll be with some 20 something dudes so I’m sure they’d appreciate a little Houston eye candy. Thanks .

    I would do a bar table at Potente. Bonus points if you get a table by a window facing the sidewalk for people watching. V&A is just another generic Tillman steakhouse in my opinion.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, MotownHorn said:

    Sorry. I just want to make it clear that I’m not trying to bully a guy with issues. I’ve been actively trying to deescalate any conflict he has with me.

    You’re not helping yourself like you think you are. The best thing you can do is slink off into the darkness and hope this blows over. You’re coming off as a whiny child trying to defend his bad behavior.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Muny_Tex said:


    I've been an observer of the Longhorn internets since approx 2001; and was very a active reader of Shaggy from Day 1.  You are one of my favorite contributors during that entire time frame.  Even back when you were a "different person", I still always looked forward to seeing your hoops takes and thought it was really bizarre how many people (such as the "Hi" crowd) felt compelled to have real-life personal beef with you.

    Fast forward to now and very little seems to have changed; so my advice is this:  Please permanently leave this website and find a different/healthier outlet for expressing your interest in sports and engaging with other fans.  Many of the largest influencers here do not have your best interests at heart (and that's putting it gently), and they never will.

    I fully believe that anyone who devotes any substantial amount of attention/energy to an internet message board (and by the same token, mainstream social media) is fundamentally a loser.  Time and resources are finite, and youth/vigor/opportunity costs are tremendously precious.  The fact that there are many people here with tens of thousands of posts (translate those into conscious hours!) dropped into little more than an abyss of uselessness (95% of the time) or a vortex of hatred, division, and personal attacks (at worst) speaks immense volumes about their character as adults, parents, spouses, etc etc. 

    There is a reason so many posters fit similar archetypes of ultra-high incomes and professional classes...they are the same people (especially the lawyers) who everyone else on the globe typically despises for the way they live their lives and treat others.  It is only natural that they translate their self-loathing into attempts to cope/compensate through sanctimony, condescension, frequently outright abuse towards others while safely protected behind their screens.

    I aim to browse the board approx ~30 mins a week now to aggregate Astros news and pertinent insights relating to markets/finances.  Fortunately that's because I (finally) have other important, meaningful, real-world human priority shit to do which was never that case when I spent hours and hours a day here (and not coincidentally, was objectively a loser during those same life stages).

    I don't know your whole story, but I perceive an enormous amount of victimhood from you during this most recent episode without appropriate regard for the greater context: This place will never be uplifting for you, it will never be a source of joy/pride/confidence/health whatever.  It is a fundamentally ugly place populated overwhelmingly by fundamentally ugly people. 

    There are certainly useful things you can "learn" here (like the 'Help' board) just as you would browsing google/reddit for specific topics of interest; but actually engaging anyone here and expecting anything different than the exact-same toxic pattern over the past 10+ years for you is horribly misguided.  In the parlance of Tommy Boy, you are the woman in white gloves horribly upset by the mess made by ketchup popsicles that you insist on ordering over and over again.

    Put this hellscape away.  Take control of your own life and your own recovery.  Bob, imaamac, motown, etc etc should not and cannot be the gatekeepers to your health, happiness, and well-being.  May God bless you, and I hope to see you reach your full potential somewhere that is worthwhile.

    Oh the irony of you calling other posters sanctimonious and condescending. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
    • Haha 1
  7. On 4/5/2024 at 12:58 PM, Orange&White said:

    My GF's daughter lives 20 miles away (as the crow flies), and her report to her mom was "It shook so bad I almost fell out of my bed".


    She wasn’t referring to the earthquake.

    • Haha 2
  8. 54 minutes ago, troph said:

    I’ve explained to Derka he needs to bide his time, ignore mo and accept imma’s approach. It took damn well near 7-8 years to convince this place that tranny and other similar slurs are offensive and should be off limits and I fucking left right before they made that decision. Johnny Sack’s and immortal13, immaculate vibes and a bunch of other trolls view points were held in more esteem than mine - for years. Let that sink in for a hot minute.

    The gay mafia here spent at least as long getting the term faggot on the bannable list of slurs.

    mental health challenges is even harder because the self-sabotage. At least I was able to weather the storm, advocate for myself and be patient. Change takes time.

    But repeatedly insulting and railing on the owner won’t help. And in fact it will get you banned. But to acknowledge Derka’s considerable short comings without acknowledging grown men with no mental health excuse engage him and gas light him - because we are surly assholes - is disingenuous. 

    Hey, @Frank Drebin why did you change your username? Have you ever owned up to your bigoted viewpoints?

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  9. 47 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    JW at Camelback.  Did not think about lower rates and the riff raff.  Saw some rates there for $300/night in July.  I wonder if that would still weed them out?

    Camelback is much more low key. You should be good. Book a spa service early in the day and you can use the spa pool and facilities all day. Their spa is great.

  10. 1 minute ago, rage-a-holic said:

    Pepper spray is not the reliable solution you think it is. Our two airedales will fight each other to the death over a piece of dropped popcorn. 

    We've hosed them down with pepper spray multiple times to get them stop and it didn't even faze them. We just end up having a house full of pepper spray and dogs that need several baths.

    Have you tried shooting them?

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 3
  11. 20 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    The owner owns a bunch of restaurants + a catering business. He’s  doing fine. 

    Since you know him, let him know you’re actively discouraging people from patronizing one of his establishments the next time you see him. Report back on his reaction.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Texas has variety in the summer?  Are you talking about the two days where it might rain?

    But yes, summers seem to suck everywhere now.

    We’re thinking about going out there in the summer and staying at the JW Marriott or something on the summer rates and see how bad it is.

    At least the temperature varies a little here and there in TX. I’m not saying it’s great, because it most definitely sucks, but there’s a smidge of variety.

    Which JW Marriott? Desert Ridge or Camelback Inn? I ask because Desert Ridge has a big water park and can be overrun with kids. Cool if you have kids, but not so cool if you don’t.

    Also, small warning, summer rates at the resorts can have a side effect of bringing out a different clientele than you see during the season. The wife and I were at the Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain one summer 5-6 years ago sitting by the pool when a group rolled in a cooler full of glass bottles and a boombox. The GM admitted to me that they had overshot the discounts that summer and lo and behold the next summer the rates were substantially higher.

  13. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    It’s worth the risk to me. They do a lot of catering and weekend brunch business. They’ll be fine. 

    Unless your lunch secret is a corporate chain, you have to admit it’s kind of a dick move to a small business owner working on extremely thin margins.

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