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Everything posted by orangebird

  1. They didn't have to worry about the Sooner Schooner toppling over on the field yesterday, potentially injuring the horses. Very thoughtful of them.
  2. We're in Kerrville this weekend for the MIL's birthday (no pics). After the game we had to run to HEB (it was open) for a few things. Wife and I are both wearing burnt orange. As we're walking back to the car this crypt keeper looking woman in a Boomer Sooner t-shirt walking the opposite direction waves at us to get our attention then throws the Horns down. She was about 20' away. My wife and I just looked at each other, laughed & shook our heads. She either yelled "lucky win" or "fuck your win" as we continued to our car. One of the most bizarre experiences I've ever had with someone from another fan base. If that cow had actually bothered to watch the game, there was nothing "lucky" about it. It was like watching my high school (which won all of FIVE GAMES in the four years I went there) taking on the Tom Brady-led New England Patriots. Just a complete mismatch. I really don't think OU's talent differential is all that much versus ours, but they were hampered by a new scheme, and really bad coaching and playcalling.
  3. Illinois is my other school besides Texas. I was kind of meh about the Bielma hire, as I thought he was kind of a buffoon. But I'll be damned, he has his guys playing some decent quality football this season, which is way more than I've come to expect out of Illinois most years. They are actually a late-game collapse against Indiana away from being undefeated. I don't think they can hang with Michigan, but every other game on their schedule is winnable for them. It would not shock me if they went 10-2 and snagged a really nice bowl berth. Quite a turnaround.
  4. orangebird


    As I approach 50, I have noticed it takes me a hell of a lot longer to recover from a hangover than it used to. And ain't nobody got time for that at my age. That said, I got pretty fuckin baked last night in celebration of this W.
  5. I'm shocked. After the last 10 years of watching Texas football, it's like we suddenly rediscovered that we are allowed to pass to tight ends again. I'm all aboard the JT Sanders hype train, though. I hope the dude smashes every TE record here at the 40 Acres by the time he is done here.
  6. I don't think OU will stay down forever. I think the move to the SEC will eventually help them, and they'll run Venables off soon enough. Though it would not disappoint me if their next hire also turned out to be a dud, and they spent the next 10 years wandering around in the wilderness like we have. That said, it's not every year we get to tap that ass for 49-0, so I'm going to savor this one for a while.
  7. Brent Venables enjoys dial-up Internet from the comforts of his sister's trailer.
  8. Fucking trash officiating, but par for the course in the Rig 12.
  9. Damn, that was SICK! I cringed when Card threw that ball up, thought for sure one of the WV defenders was going to pick it off.
  10. Or, to cite a more recent example, Windows 11.
  11. Might as well rip off the band-aid and hire Traylor or promote Patterson. But we'll do neither, so at least I don't have to labor under the delusion that this program is going anywhere anytime soon.
  12. Gary Patterson or Jeff Traylor would be a major step up compared to the dogshit we put out on the field today.
  13. I honestly don't even care enough to be angry about losses like these anymore. That's the worst part of the last 13 years. Meet the new coach, same as the old coach. Nothing will ever change.
  14. I think the portal is only working in one direction for us from here on out.
  15. Can't wait to go to the SEC and become everybody's favorite easy win on the schedule. That's all we're ever going to amount to for the foreseeable future.
  16. For the record, I think these were C-USA officials. Not that Big XII officials are materially any better. The officiating in this game reminded me of that blatantly disgusting Okie Lite game several years ago. This one wasn't quite that bad, and Texas mostly had the talent advantage to overcome it late. But you could tell that the officials were doing everything in their power to give UTSA every possible advantage on the calls. Sure does make you wonder if they had money on the game somewhere.
  17. Not our best game, but the guys responded after getting punched in the mouth and gutted out the win. Bijan was a motherfucking beast tonight. Hopefully we clean some things up ahead of Tech next week.
  18. No gimmes on it, but I would feel a lot better if we had Ewers back and healthy for the meat of it.
  19. Hopefully we'll have Ewers back by OU - or this is going to be a long fucking season.
  20. For a second I thought they were going to call a bullshit penalty on us after Card's big run, just to negate it.
  21. I'm convinced Galindo is auditioning for his next gig after Texas goes to the SEC.
  22. You watch, fucking refs are gonna make sure UTSA marches all the way down the field and punches this one in. The fix is in.
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