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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. These people are so binary. Trump wants the vote counting stopped, so by God, they're going to stop it. Anything beyond checkers seems like 7D chess to them.
  2. So, is Nevada going to get back to counting or.... Their numbers haven't updated anywhere.
  3. I was thinking about this last night. Just by looking at the raw R/D/Other votes that were tallied in various states prior to last night, Trump would have to have 70+% of the Other category in most instances to close the gap. That means first time/no affiliation voters voted way outside of the overall national popular vote trend. I'm no stat guru like some posters, looking at Huckleberry, but that seems extremely strange to me.
  4. Let's get through lunch hours and after work hours before we start throwing a pity party over low election day turnout.
  5. I was looking at the rye, but I'm on a budget, right now. Will try it in the future, though.
  6. Simple hypothetical, no condescension intended, but when do parents, in a standard household with means, stop feeding their children? When do they stop paying for their car insurance? When do they stop providing basic necessities? We have the outliers that never leave the home, but the vast majority of kids find themselves on their own in college or when they leave the home. For example, I was on my own dime for most things from the age of 19. I grew up knowing, because it was taught to me, that eventually I will be an adult and that my life will be on my own dime. My dad paid for my cell phone when I was in college, but it was commonly understood that when college is done, I'm paying for my own phone. There is this fear that "once you start feeding them, then you'll never stop." Our own personal experiences with our own families tell us that isn't true. If children who are in need are educated and prepped for life as an adult, they will know, just as you and I did, that when we venture out on our own it is with the expectation that we learned to take care of ourselves. The old adage "give a man a fish... teach a man to fish" leaves out the part that you didn't let the man starve while you were teaching him.
  7. In your analogy above, the starting line is college graduation. There were hundreds of thousands of kids that grew up the same years as you that didn't even know that college could be an option for them. The true starting line is birth. From birth, every American or future American will be given not only the same basic resources, but the knowledge of how to maximize those resources. They won't be hungry and they'll have the same public education as those born into higher income houses. Don't worry, you'll still have Ivy League students. You'll still have Rhodes Scholars. The pool of competition will just be larger. As a free-market capitalist, you should embrace that competition. Simple example: 23% of all children in Texas were food insecure in 2016. source Proper nutrition is essential for behavioral, emotional, and cognitive development in children. That means 23% of children are already falling behind due to no fault of their own. School provided breakfast and lunch is great, but what about dinner, summer, and holidays? The resources are there to prevent this, so why don't we? Equity is making sure that those children are fed.
  8. Communism is that everyone gets the same regardless of how much they work and how talented they are. Equity is that everyone gets the same resources at the starting line and the only thing that separates them is their work ethic and natural talent. I'll even dig deeper into this. It isn't enough to give everyone the same tools. If I were to throw a random teenager off of the street into the workshop of a master carpenter and told them to build me a canoe, could they do it? No, because they don't know how to use the tools to do so. What if I threw the master carpenter's teenage son in there? There's a really good chance that he knows what to do. Equity is teaching a person how to build a canoe before throwing them into the workshop. Inequity is throwing that random teenager and the master carpenter's son into the workshop at the same time and expecting them both to leave the workshop with equally good canoes.
  9. The Judiciary takes their role as a 3rd branch of government fairly seriously. Sure, the R judges will generally rule favorably for R causes, but one thing that has been fairly consistent is the Judiciary's pushback on the other two branches attempting to treat them as puppets. If the Rs or the Ds push something to the courts basically demanding that the Judiciary do their bidding, the Judiciary will push back and tell them to bring a legitimate cause of action or get lost.
  10. I have a gif/video idea if Texas turns blue, but I don't want to execute until the deed is done. But if there is a photoshop/premiere guru out there that wants to help, let me know.
  11. I think this would have a legitimate chance at creating a 3 party system over the next 10 years, if that's the case. If Rs get trounced this election, it will cause a panic in establishment Rs who have been there a while. I could see the Republican Party fracture into McConnell Rs and Trump Rs.
  12. I'm coasting this weekend because I'm going to be litty fuh-gitty on Tuesday night. And the 3 and 5 year old will be up bright and early at 6 AM like clockwork.
  13. If this happens due to a court-assisted flip of PA, this whole thing falls apart. Civil unrest will be at a level not seen since the Civil War.
  14. I'm talking the people who never had a year to begin with. Every penny that comes in goes out by the end of next month. I'm in the situation you describe, right now. It's going to suck building this all back up, but I'd rather be doing that than biting my nails down to nubs with worry over whether or not I'm able to pay my mortgage over the next 12 months.
  15. This pandemic has really laid bare why those making $400k or more get insanely wound up over tax increases: A lot of them are paycheck to paycheck just like poor people. They might have a $1.2 million home, a 5 series, and a Range Rover, but they are redlining just like the family of 5 in a rented 2 bedroom duplex with a 20 year old Camry with a busted out window. It was amazing to watch the hand wringing when the shutdown hit and people who should have the means to build up a year of expenses with no problem are suddenly claiming that the lockdown will break them. Let's lump corporate America in there, too. It's amazing to see companies with hundreds of millions in market cap all of a sudden pushed to the brink when 1 month of income went out the window. As it turns out, we really are a welfare state. From the very bottom to the tip top.
  16. Sorry to hear that, man. If I'm remembering you correctly, we went to junior high together. If you need someone other than family to talk to, feel free to reach out.
  17. The true idiocy of the trucks harassing the bus is that you can guarantee license plates were taken down. If Biden becomes president, welcome to the FBI watch list, boys.
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