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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. Get ready for the conspiracy theorists going HAM on this news being released after Trump lost. As a Pfizer stock owner, they announced well over a month ago that they would probably have results some time in November.
  2. Trebek, Connery, and Reynolds gone. Someone needs to check in on French Stewart.
  3. Biden just quoted scripture more times in his acceptance speech than Trump in all of his presidency.
  4. I think SCOTUS is holding out on granting cert until AZ and NV are wrapped up. If AZ and NV go for Biden, it renders the PA decision moot so it doesn't matter how they rule. SCOTUS has until 11/25 to answer.
  5. What matters now is the status of AZ and NV. SCOTUS has until the 25th to grant cert on the PA challenge. If AZ and NV turn blue, it basically renders the PA case moot because it would no longer matter who wins PA.
  6. Such a confusing and befuddling move that it got Lobo down to one sentence. That's how baffling it is.
  7. To expand on this, poll watchers can be partisan, but there has to be an equal representation of R/D/I in the room. Trump poll watchers wanted in, but there weren't any additional D or I watchers to allow the additional Trump watchers. Additionally, there are mandated distances that poll watchers must be from the ballots. They are entitled to watch the process, but are not entitled to access the personal information on the ballots. They are also not allowed to have cameras. The instance of throwing up the cardboard, which some of us saw live on TV, was because Trump poll watchers were not allowed in because the maximum were already in, so they took out cameras and tried to film from the other side of the glass. That is strictly prohibited unless a member of the media is doing it. Some claimed to be the media, but did not have acceptable press credentials. So far, all of the evidence is actually evidence that Trump poll watchers either didn't know about the poll watching laws or flat out ignored them.
  8. "Begun building the wall" was the very first.
  9. I'm sure Cruz is doing the circuit and complaining and saying what Trump COULD do, but what we haven't seen is Cruz, with extensive experience in election litigation, offer any legal insight as to how Trump can succeed. Nor does it seems like Cruz is hitting his rolodex and getting a coalition of legal hitters together to properly challenge the election. For example, I really want to know who recommended the Michigan attorney that slid that hot plate of garbage in front of the courts.
  10. I had this queued up if Texas turned blue. Karl Urban would have been Beto wearing a cowboy hat.
  11. A cursory Google search seems to reveal that there is a restriction on engaging in "professional activity" for which they are compensated for, but again, that was just a cursory search.
  12. Well, if anyone could show their work and make a case as to why it was illegal, it's Cruz. My point is that we have yet to see evidence that he is assisting in the actual legal effort. He's just assisting in the anger mongering effort.
  13. Well, sure, but that doesn't do anything to help Trump in the courts. Cruz has a legit legal resume and doesn't seem to be offering any opinions on the matters in the courts. Both Graham and McConnell were both attorneys and don't seem to be offering any opinions on the legal challenges, either. There are legit legal eagles that the Rs can tap into but we haven't really heard any of them stepping up to the plate.
  14. It never dawned on me, but that is exactly what he is doing. Flood the zone and overwhelm the other party with legal fees and continuous responses to motions. If it's frivolous, who cares? You'll just end up in a conference room and finish it there. There is no flooding the zone in this case, though. You can't force a State to the conference table to give you what you want. You have to fight it out to the bitter end and to do that, you need to shore up your position as best you can before you engage. I'm just surprised that the attorneys of Republican PACs who are seasoned in this type of litigation jump out there and slow Trump's roll. Just look at Ted Cruz. He clerked for a Supreme Court Chief Justice and played a large role in Bush v. Gore. Did he even make a phone call to a Trump legal team? The possible silence from Cruz here would be insanely interesting for a political historian to dig into a decade from now.
  15. I don't know enough about the case to make a prediction either way if the Court hears it, but looking at the petition for a writ, the issue is whether PA can count the ballots that arrive 3 days after election day as long as they are postmarked for election day. Unless those ballots were identified and separated before counting, what relief can be granted there? A response to the petition is due by Nov. 25. I think if GA, NV, and AZ hold, petition will be denied due to being moot. Bush v. Gore was very clear and this PA case probably can't really add to the precedent.
  16. I think what we saw here was the Tea Party getting co-opted by Trump and it brought in enough very vocal support that it scared what were long-term, even-keeled Rs like Lindsey Graham into the fold. Also, Trump may have whipped up all the popular support, but it was Mitch McConnell who weaponized the power that the popular support brought. Mitch is still here.
  17. I truly believe that we are seeing something amazing beginning to unfold in the Judiciary branch of government. It is true that the over the last 4 years the Trump administration has been jamming as many conservative judges as they possibly can, but it is becoming clear to me that the Judiciary is starting to really take it personal that they aren't being seen as a 3rd branch of government in the grand scheme of checks and balances. Republicans keep chirping over and over that it's all going to work out because the courts are going to rule for them. The tone, however, is more of a "they owe us, they're our stooges and will do our bidding" rather than "we have a strong case and the court will see it that way." Just look at the Abbott early extension ruling. They didn't even follow the proper procedure or address why the filing wasn't timely. Did the Texas GOP learn their lesson there? No, they did not. They challenge the Harris drive-thru and the first question from a very conservative judge was "why wasn't this in front of me two weeks ago?" They didn't address it in their motion even though it was strongly hinted by the Texas Supreme opinion that it will be an issue. And that being the first question was a huge, blinking road sign from a conservative judge saying "GUYS, ADDRESS THE TIMING ISSUE" and they completely ignored it. Didn't even try. I refuse to believe that they aren't smart enough to catch it. It's because they know they don't have an argument. They just expected the court to rule in their favor because they are all Republicans. Fast forward to Michigan. They plop a case down that gets immediately dismissed because no relief could be granted anyway because the counting is over, the state already issued a directive to allow poll watchers in a previous case, so the current suit was unnecessary, and there was literally zero basis for there to be surveillance video of drop boxes. The Trump attorney alleged fraud, but provided zero facts, names, or locations in which fraud occurred. He just plopped an entirely baseless, entirely moot claim on the judges desk and said "gimme," continuing the national trend of poking the Judiciary bear. And to circle it all back to your cherry-picking issue, the Trump administration isn't even hiding it. They were demanding that the counts be stopped in states they were ahead and continued in states they were behind. They didn't even give the Judiciary the courtesy of an attempt of an ulterior motive. The just jumped into the courtroom and said "gimme." If SCOTUS was really on board with giving Trump a helping hand, the Trump administration has done SCOTUS zero favors in providing SCOTUS a foundation on which to build their ruling on. Instead, it appears that the Trump administration isn't even providing them cement to build a foundation. "Gimme." The Court doesn't take kindly to being seen as anything less than the 3rd branch of government and we're going to see that play out the rest of the way.
  18. I don't follow very many political people on Twitter and my feed has just exploded with people that I follow that haven't talked politics in the, sometimes, years that I've followed them calling for Trump's removal. Regular people, not celebrities, who have kept their feed clean of politics. The surge has begun and I think the Rs are about to toss Trump of his ass in front of the whole world to spare themselves and the wealth that they've built up while in office. Can't afford for the whole thing to go tits up over this one clown.
  19. They still hadn't even finished the new big chain hotel in Floresville when the bottom fell out the first time. I wonder if they ever got above 50% occupancy during the second run.
  20. He's incredibly nervous. Constantly wringing his hands. I'm surprised he hasn't kind of settled in by now.
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