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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. This isn't new, though. I personally heard a person in a professional setting talking to a prospective client to take a deal because he's going to need the money to prep because the government was tracking by satellite who had gardens so they could come in and seize their food when martial law happens. This was 3 years before Maga happened. All of the worst that we were seeing was out there, with Jade Helm being the most visible example to those on this board. MAGA just pushed it mainstream and made it a Republican cardinal sin to not embrace it.
  2. I'm 4 hours in. It's a fun game, but I have yet to be blown out of the water. This game may have been ambitious when it was first conceptualized and began almost a decade ago, but a lot of what I have seen so far is pretty standard fare in a modern video game. I have yet to be blown away by anything and for some reason, the customization just didn't attach me to the character. In fact, I'll go as far to say as Skyrim is still the gold standard of this genre, so far. Again, I'm only 4 hours in and have just begun to scratch at it, but the initial impression is meh, too much hype.
  3. I hate the times I end up agreeing with you...
  4. Hey couch burners, we're not just A shit show. We are THE shit show of college message boards.
  5. Just for clarification purposes, Big Army is how the Army outside of special operations units (SF, Rangers) is referred to as. So, essentially, both the regular Army and special operations are denying it happened.
  6. When I read that Herman was banging a famous Austin jewelry designer, I was relieved when Crayon's picture didn't pop up. I was expecting a freckled ginger in an elf costume.
  7. Yeah, this is a state senator, not a US senator. There are some legit people in state legislatures, but there are some absolute goobers susceptible to Q tendencies. I would be surprised if this even makes it to a vote.
  8. That whole sequence was captivating to me. The thing that this show does well is making these people seem human then remind us they are monsters in the same episode. Chris broke in, knocked the guy out and cuffed him, only to sit on the couch and watch TV until he woke up, then killed him. Michael Imperioli would always put this look on Chris' face when Chris was in the zone that was truly psychotic.
  9. I was able to snag XOM 16 APR 21 40 calls for 1.75 per a couple of weeks back.
  10. An optimist would say that this is proof that the system of checks and balances works just like Texas sunshine pumpers were telling people to calm down after Rice in 2010 because Texas still won the game. Those who were paying close attention knew that something was wrong.
  11. It was actually 3-0. The other R abstained. Wouldn't even throw his name into the ring one way or the other as if it would spare him some heartache, but I'm afraid all he has managed to do with that is piss off everyone.
  12. His "evidence" was his strong suspicion that fraud could possibly occur, but he presented no evidence that fraud actually did occur. But he wants the results thrown out because something could have happened, not that something actually did happen.
  13. Listening in on MI, it looks like it will be certified 3-1. Aaron Van Langevelde, who is a Republican member of the board, is stating that the board has no authority to demand any audits or reviews and that the law is unambiguous as to their duty to certify.
  14. Both. Century Plant went online sometime in the early 10s and the NET facility went live in the last couple of years.
  15. A lot of them don't, but the point was that imma would go into the Oil Baron thread and get a Trumper-like response. Several people over the years have come into the Oil Baron threads and have attempted to stir the pot by trying to "out" climate change deniers and I can't recall a single time where someone has outright denied climate change, called it a hoax, or denied the science behind it. That's because everyone in that thread is college educated, many of them having post-graduate degrees in various sciences. Most people who bring that argument receive ambivalence, at worst. There are plenty of climate change deniers in the industry, for sure, but in my personal experience they have been the older generations (65+) and the roughnecks, neither of which are a key demographic for this website.
  16. Not a single person was hostile to the idea nor were they hostile in general. Not sure why you feel that the responses in that thread merit hostility as a default in dealing with "those people." If you find people on the opposing side to your views willing to engage in debate without hostility, then encourage the debate by avoiding using hostility. This is really where we've gone sideways as a nation. We've got to get back to being able to exchange ideas freely and without hostility looming over good faith arguments.
  17. I think that climate change is occurring, but to blame it solely on the oil and gas industry when everyone across the globe is voraciously consuming their products is ridiculous. Oil and gas are the blood of the world economy and without some kind of massive, global joint effort, oil and gas will continue to be the blood of the world economy for at least the next 3 decades. To shut down oil and gas production in the United States in the next 5-10 years would absolutely kneecap the US economy and be a huge advantage to oil producing countries that have been adversarial to the United States on the global stage and would seriously endanger the national and economic security of the United States. Over the next 5-10 years, efforts would be better spent on improving existing technologies to lessen CO2 emissions, whether it be reduced ICE emissions, carbon capture, or whatever else may be needed to actually reduce atmospheric CO2 to pre Industrial Revolution levels. In my opinion, it is far more likely to find the technology to do that in the next 5-10 years than to eliminate the oil and gas industry. Occidental Petroleum, for example, is part of two projects that I know of that have developed true zero-emission power generation. The NET Power Facility in La Porte and the Century Plant out in West Texas both capture 100% of the CO2 generated in a form that can be stored. So, it seems like we are closer to that technology than the entire global overhaul necessary to halt and then eventually reverse climate change.
  18. Obviously out of the loop on the SoL on defamation in Georgia, but if the fallout of all this is bad enough, Georgia could possibly toss Dominion within the year. If R state legislators quote Powell during the process, that's a greenlight for Dominion to bring suit against her, in my opinion. Then they could lay out, in detail, how their process absolutely does not allow a changing of entered votes after the fact while simultaneously compelling Powell to produce where she received her info from. The juice might not be worth the squeeze, though, as I truly believe that Powell is going through some kind of mental distress or cognitive disorder. Some public figures may have embraced Q for the grift, but I think Powell has some undiagnosed issues going on.
  19. Honestly, Dominion would be best just laying low. Last thing Dominion or the country needs is for a defamation suit to enter discovery and have internal emails disparaging President Trump pop up. All it would do is add fuel to the fire. Honestly, if I were them, I'd let all of this play out and wait for the first state after inauguration to drop them, possibly citing concerns parroted by Powell, then bring the suit. At least then any anti-Trump emails churned up will be moot and Dominion could prove actual damages in the loss of a state contract.
  20. Can we rewind a minute here... On Parler, a retweet is called an "echo?" So, the people who made Parler literally made a feature that allows it to unironically called an echo chamber? Parler has to be some kind of grift with the people behind it laughing at their customers' expense.
  21. For almost 4 decades now the bailouts and tax cuts have been handed out at the c-suite and corporate level under the theory that those cuts will make it all the way down to the rest of the economy. I think it's time to see what happens when it makes it directly into the hands of the consumer. I'm not even talking full bailout. I would like to see a TARP-esque type bailout where "troubled assets" are identified and then restructured to where payment each year doesn't exceed 5% of the person's net adjustable income for a period of 5 years or the remainder of their note's term, whichever is shorter. Combine that with government set limits on amounts that can be borrowed depending on degree. The reality is that some of these departments and degree programs need to depend on charitable endowments rather than student loans to survive. If someone wants to go get a doctorate in Victorian literature, by all means, go with God, but it shouldn't be supported with $250k in government back student loans that will just be restructured into a payment program where most of it will be forgiven after 20 years, anyway. Let those programs survive the same way museums and city orchestras survive: good budgeting, lots of fundraising, and a little bit of income on the side.
  22. It's a product of the Republican party further descending into madness. People will laugh off the crazies in their party and blow off concern from others about them as long as they have evidence that sanity still rules supreme for the majority of them. That's all gone now. As I stated prior, I think the Giuliani/Powell presser was rock bottom. Having talking heads and the random freshman congress person that don't directly represent them say these things, it's easy to toss aside. Have the head of Trump's legal strategy go up there and rattled off the crazy while black hair dye oozes down their face and then have the other one sound like she is one step away from a total mental break and a padded room and Rs are starting to man the life boats. We're seeing all kinds of R defection now as more and more Republican voters are starting to do their best Seinfeldleavingtheplay.gif impression.
  23. If you could go ahead and put the Nutrition and Food Science program out of its misery, that'd be great. Thanks in advance.
  24. I think we're going to see more of this now. The accusations that were thrown out today were absolutely insane. I think there are a lot of Rs in Washington who are ready to get off this ride after today, to be honest. Hannity, Carlson, and Dobbs will keep auditioning for another network on Fox News' dime, but we're already starting to see that Fox News has hit diminishing returns on the Trump factor. It may be a foolish hope, but I really, really, really hope that today was the bottom. My amusement at this legal flailing has shifted to serious concern.
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