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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. I'm getting a slight cough that has me getting all paranoid. We went to Hawaii last week in a whole family trip. If it was a trip paid for by me, we wouldn't have gone. But here I am now with most likely seasonal allergies being paranoid about every cough that happens once an hour.
  2. It only took 2 days trapped in the house to realize how being able to go out and grab something real quick was seriously taken for granted. If I feel like a certain beer, food, or item, I go out and get it. Not anymore. Now, I have to go in and consciously focus on not touching anything I don't have to, keeping my hands off my face, keeping my distance from people, getting the item, sanitize the item when I get home, wash my hands, and then have a small nagging worry in the back of my head if that was the time I went out and brought it home. It doesn't take up a whole lot of my head space, but enough to not make trips worth it. My power supply for my PC absolutely died yesterday right when the work day started. Ordered a new one from Best Buy instead of Altex because Best Buy was closer. The parking lot was half full and people are just walking around the store browsing. Not there for any other reason, which is asinine at this point. Go there to pick it up and wait in line at the very end of the line area to make room for the person at the counter. Person is clueless and walks away to talk on the phone about what he needs to pick up. I get waved up, I'm ready with everything I need, and the dude who just got out of line walks up and gets literally shoulder to shoulder with me. Just complete idiocy. And those people, who have zero disregard for what is going on in the world right now, are everywhere. The point is: stay home unless absolutely necessary. The quicker we all do that, the quicker all of this is over with. I work from home and needed that power supply. If I didn't need it, I wouldn't have gone out there. I immediately regretted doing so the moment that goober decided he wanted to be at the counter the same time as me. One sneeze right there is all it would take. Avoid idiots. Stay home.
  3. The Saudis have more people to get under control and a more expensive welfare state, as far as spending goes. Putin's handful of oligarchs to keep happy is smaller in number than the Saudi Royal Family. Also, SA is more likely to go to war. They are an oil economy surrounded by other oil economies who all hate each other. Specifically, Iran. It's not a matter of if, but when, at this point. Russia's only skin in the game is their market share and being able to squeeze the EU on their natural gas supply, which the US is very slowly trickling into with the new transportation methods. Never get into a war of attrition with Russia. That shit is damn near a third their national identity with the other two thirds being how they handle winter and vodka.
  4. We resume classes on Zoom on Wednesday. Profs getting settled in with it today and tomorrow.
  5. It does not impact and probably for the best. Fortnite is just fine for preteens outside of the random person that might end up in the squad and uses foul language. Just turn off voice communication all together if that is a concern and they can play just fine.
  6. The son's birthday got canceled, so I bought Mario Party as his gift, got some cupcakes, and we're going to break it out today. Lots of standing and movement, so I hope that takes care of the rainy days. We walked to the small grocery store yesterday and killed 2 hours that way. Now we plan on only walking the neighborhood, as we are stocked up on calories and we are now full self-quarantine. Everything that I have has moved 100% online, so the vast majority of my time will be spent on this 1/4 acre lot.
  7. I canceled my son's 5th birthday that was going to be with family. Half of the attendees would be over 60, having multiple sets of grandparents, and one set of very mobile and capable great grandparents in their late 80's. He was bummed out, but he'd even more bummed if we were taking him to his great grandfather's funeral because we didn't cancel one birthday party. We'll do some cupcakes and his big gift tomorrow. We'll do a joint party with his little sister in June if all this blows over by then.
  8. The meat of my question was more along the lines of why would a company keep their end of a contract that forces them to pay twice market price. For some companies, it might be cheaper to breach then buy at spot price. But, again, I know close to nothing about that side of the business.
  9. Disclaimer: I know very little about hedge contracts. What is the likelihood of companies committing an efficient break of a hedge contract? Some companies are hedged at $60 for millions of barrels.
  10. No, what you really did was introduce a bigger, badder monster to your stomach to destroy the stomach bug. You basically fought Stomach Bug Godzilla with Food Court Chinese Mothra.
  11. "I've been cooped up all day, I should go to the mall" is definitely a boomer move. What is this, 1992?
  12. I'm flying to Hawaii in a couple of weeks with a 4 and 2 year old. It would be great if the flight was half empty and I could get the kids away from everyone for everyone else's sanity.
  13. Probably worse than that. Asia is the biggest chunk of new demand growth, followed by India, IIRC
  14. Another thing that scared me about WWZ was how he portrayed the outbreak going full swing. It was moderate news coverage and then absolute chaos within a few hours.
  15. Black Death knocked out 25% of the world population. That would be 1.75 billion today.
  16. I've been a lifelong baseball fan. The only reason I don't participate in baseball talk on this board is because baseball fans are the worst, closely followed by college football fans. I only have enough energy to argue with one or the other and I choose college football. It would be exhausting beyond belief to spend my time arguing about both.
  17. Walks into hornet nest. Wonders why he got stung.
  18. So livid they waited until Mike Fiers broke the locker room code of silence to speak out about it. They were all moving on with their lives while the MLB looked the other way for as long as possible. If Mike Fiers doesn't say anything, all of these "livid" players would grumble to themselves and then tell stories about it on TV a decade later after they take an analyst job. If the entirety of the MLB was livid, then why didn't any single one team speak up about it outside of the conference room of the MLB front office? You know what I think is behind all of this, to be honest? Pitchers are sick and tired of having the deck stacked against them. MLB is going to juice the ball, ignoring pitcher complaints in the process, AND do nothing while sign stealing gets more sophisticated? Eventually, something had to give and it's easier to pin the sign stealing crackdown on one team than to indict the whole sport, which has a romanticized tradition on cheating unless it isn't the right kind of cheating. Mike Fiers provided a window for people who didn't have the balls to come forward otherwise.
  19. Simple Apple watch-like buzzer system is all they need. Catcher wears it on his glove wrist, pitcher wears it on his. Tap out the sign, pitcher relays it back if he likes it. Connected directly by Bluetooth or even a step further having the devices exclusively paired and unable to pair with other devices. But hey, baseball was the last major sport to incorporate replay, resisting the computer called balls and strikes, and the old man sport will continue to yell at the cloud.
  20. It's a thread to consolidate the sign stealing controversy so the MLB offseason thread and the Astros offseason thread can talk about the ghosts of baseball future instead of the ghost of baseball past.
  21. Penn State and Baylor fans weren't mad because all the other schools were allowing the systemic rape of young boys over a 20 year period or covering up 50+ rapes over a 3 year period. There are plenty of takes to give on Astros fans not accepting why the rest of the league has turned on them, but that one ain't it.
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