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Daichee Bell

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. This place can chew you up and spit you out. But, you get a welcome from me.
  2. Is that how it got broken? I understand, though, getting Bijan is exciting news.
  3. Sometimes, I think it’s a sin, when I feel like I’m winning when I’m losing again. Forgive me, I’m on a really long ass road trip.
  4. Personally, I really like that he just posted UT and not some crappy video or hat game.
  5. Have we confirmed Thompsoween yet? Cause I’m sceered.
  6. And in areas with daylight savings time, $9.95 is actually $12.95.
  7. So, I watched the first episode on BBC America before I realized that they only have episode 1 and episode 8 from the first season available. Is there anywhere else to stream this? Can’t seem to find anything
  8. So, I’m using Orangetheory as a speed work alternative. Kind of experimenting. I’m trying to run a sub 5 mile on my 45th birthday in August. I do time trials every year. It seems to be working on some of the shorter distances. I just ran a 2:15 in the 800, and a 56 in the quarter. The treadmill is less rough on my old legs, but, obviously doesn’t correlate directly to trackwork. I’m doing orange theory a couple days a week, a track day, and an endurance day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I was distinguishing between score and soundtrack, but don’t really care. Random good one is Big Night. Cook a big meal and listen to it. Drink lots.
  10. I was just listening to Milquetoast by Helmet and thought about how good The Crow’s soundtrack was. Also, Singles was awesome. In my lifetime, that’s about the time that movies started to push commercial bands/music as part of the movie. List your favorites.
  11. I’ve always felt like this was Sarah Jessica Parker’s greatest role.
  12. 9. They accidentally leaked this footage where they just spliced in the ending of Reign of Fire. McConaughey comes out of nowhere and jumps off the battlements.
  13. I’m not in the overall hate club, but I think what was an absolutely great show is now a good show. I think you guys are arguing over crappy writing. In the beginning of the series, Martin was able to show character arcs through phenomenal writing - slowly feeding charcter history and motivations. Now, it’s just vague mumbling because D and D don’t know how (or cant) do that and are trying to generate tension.
  14. So, the writers of Lost did the Leftovers for hbo. They were intending lost to be shorter but the ratings were so good they had to keep doing it. They negotiated that the leftovers was only three seasons. It’s one of my all-time favorite series. Every episode meant something.
  15. Not if she beats him in single combat. Like Theon on the beach.
  16. So, I'm feeling like Yara is gonna kick Euron's ass in a one on one somehow, and then Ironborn take out the Gold company. That'll even up the odds. Then you can get a whole lotta one on one fight scenes.
  17. From ESPN article on Kliff and Kyler. http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft2019/story/_/id/26562522/could-kliff-kingsbury-seven-year-recruitment-kyler-murray-pay-off "He's always been very fond of me and I respect that. I've always never taken that for granted. He's always someone I can go to if I ever need anything." - Kyler Murray Yeah, Kyler. That's because Kliff is "fond" of pussy.
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