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Daichee Bell

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. Did you go fat side up or down? /vicmackey
  2. So, I spend 3 days offshore fishing, and come back to this? Here, have some wahoo, fresh off the boat, cooked 5 different ways. Now, get your shit together.
  3. I just bought a paper off burnteyes at the kiosk by gate 14.
  4. I’m at the Austin airport about to fly coach to Denver. Urban is not here.
  5. I agree with this. Or if not Meyer, some other coach that is still in season. There may actually be a coaching search. And, since the statesman reporters can’t actually read a statement, I have doubts as to their interpretation of their sources.
  6. I honestly don’t understand why people are freaking out so much. The vote of confidence was weak. The follow up was either from someone else or was still vague. Herman is gone. Relax
  7. I’d rather have a McRib than a jar of Mayo. I’d rather have a jar of Mayo than most of this crew’s bbq.
  8. Hi guys – my name is Daichee Bell. I’m new to this thread. I too am an Urban Meyer or Bust threadoholic.
  9. If we do anything, we would burn it, just like these fuckers’ bbq.
  10. How did you burn the shit out of it at 175°?
  11. Why’s it always fecal based with you?
  12. Yeah, I don’t like those countertops either.
  13. The margaritas make people drunk enough to like the food. Bunch of buddies worked there through college. They’d make them enough in one summer to pay for a year of school.
  14. I don’t know what your job is, but you may end up with some offers for a different line of work after this is all said and done.
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