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Daichee Bell

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. There’s a lot of money in Fort Worth to pay for an overhaul. They don’t have the same resources blue bloods, but they absolutely have resources to pull a decent name. A tier below UT or a take a chance on a younger name.
  2. *Fans of Controlled Substances Football drumriff please.
  3. Right? Did he just light up his own teammate or something?
  4. It’s got to be out there somewhere. I just googled “short man running with man bun” and that came up.
  5. Overall, I would say the town has gotten much younger in the last few years. The square is very vibrant. A lot of new businesses and restaurants. Now during Covid, it’s packed. People are picnicking around the courthouse, shops and restaurants are full . Most of the stuff around downtown has younger families. There’s a lot of new subdivisions in the pipeline up Highway 29 and down Ronald Reagan, but I don’t really go out that far. Williams Drive is really congested.
  6. Mack won 8 games with as shitty of a roster his last year as Charlie's first year. And, how do you rationalize Charlie at South Florida? He had a good roster there and took a dump on it.
  7. I found this gif of kyler coming out of the tunnel. How did he run in those?
  8. According to this pic, it's gotta be in millimeters.
  9. I'm currently on a nice regimen of Metenolone, Trenbolone, and Oxandrolone. Soon, though, I'll start prepping for the race.
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