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Daichee Bell

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. Yeah, that’s what it was. They had some tangential relationship. Thought that may have led to him getting the initial Sark info after being wrong on most stuff leading up to that.
  2. I need to go back and listen to the press conference, but FCB made a comment about already knowing Sark. Wonder if that gave him an in.
  3. That’s what pole assassin says to all the guys.
  4. Looks like that Georgetown flight is the Nelson family. They own the Kalahari waterparks and are from Wisconsin. Opening one in Round Rock. So...not Leonhard.
  5. I agree, but I’m also of the opinion that Brian Davis probably can’t read or understand verbal queues very well. He said some other dumb stuff trying to sensationalize it a bit. “Sark does not know who Daryl Royal is, he only knows 4th and 5 with Vince Young...” or to that effect.
  6. FWIW, On the Horn, Brian Davis said DC is still in the air. Meeting with Ash. I’d be ok with that but still find that hard to believe.
  7. 175lb smith just got off press. Hope hope hope to see that here.
  8. But if he loses and we hire him, shits really gonna hit the fan.
  9. I agree, but we should be so lucky to have someone people actually want.
  10. We are going off topic about fucking staying on topic.
  11. 10 years of being beaten down has made me a little gun shy on the hot new name. Our defense showed marked improvement this last year. I’m OK with taking a shot at positions coaches or assistance with young talent but I want some stability on the coordinator position. I don’t get the feeling that Quinn would be a one year mercenary, but if he is that’s fine. Then we hire Muschamp after his one year breather......maybe that already the plan.
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