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Daichee Bell

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Daichee Bell

  1. Sark talking to stoops about that “offer.”
  2. People are gonna think we’re booing our fucking team when that dildo walks out on the field.
  3. I think the issue for most people is that our receivers were unable to get off press coverage pretty much across-the-board. That’s a coachable fix. Also, the rotation was nuts. So, people naturally put that on Coleman.....now we hear Herman was in everyone’s ear hole.
  4. Let’s go with a 100m. It takes a good 60 for my hip to unfreeze.
  5. Everyone rushed the drag in 1998, though, too, right. We broke Nebraska’s home win streak and people flooded out of west campus to the drag. That’s when all the bus shit happened, as I recall.
  6. Wait. The Nebraska game and fountain electrocution was 1998 (not 1999) when we broke their home win streak.
  7. What’s the distance? 40, 100, 200, quarter... Maybe a beer mile?
  8. You remember him from way back in 2019? I can’t remember shit prior to 2020.
  9. This post is as much speculation as it is well-informed.
  10. It’s actually Blake Gideon. He was hired first and has been pulling all the strings.
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