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  1. What breed? I believe that's called a HappyDog.
  2. Where were we at this point in our 2021 campaign?
  3. Christ! That was ugly. Yeah. I'll reconsider. In truth I was thinking of his lead-off lately. Also, in truth, I change favorite player every couple weeks. 🤪
  4. Uh, no. Nor looked at box score. Might I should say, "Ouch!"?
  5. I swear! Kelenic is my new favorite Brave.
  6. That first one, asleep with head on ball - OMFG! Cuteness overload.
  7. Fuga

    Austin FC

    Oh, great; finding new ways to fuck up. Much thanks for the good info.
  8. Fuga

    Austin FC

    I've only had time for the recap. Why was the goal rejected?
  9. Fuga

    Austin FC

    Sounders fans do an amazing march from bars to stadium.
  10. Such a cooler car as a 2-door. There's a black 2-door in neighborhood which I see once in a blue moon. Even longer to see a red '68 GTO which lives down the street - original owner, a Nebraska fan.
  11. Awww, fuck! A dust storm blowing through my house on this cloudy, drizzly day?! Such a wonderful piece of love.
  12. Fuga

    Austin FC

    Give the man a cigar! Much thanks, Jerry.
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