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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t play out like the Air Force game end.
  2. Holy shit, shot of ECU coach a minute ago looks exactly like cryingtomherman.gif
  3. Time value of money would suggest the opposite (taking the no-interest loan) from a purely monetary perspective, but definitely understand your sentiment and tend to agree from the standpoint of optics and not being beholden to third party(ies) for 4-5 years.
  4. The arrangement you describe is the rumored tradeoff for ESPN or the SEC (can't remember which) fronting us and OU the B12 exit fee for an early departure, the temporarily reduced SEC payout (with floor being what we each would have gotten in B12) being the quid pro quo. So, the payout reduction wouldn't be a thing if we waited and joined in 2025 (we would get equal share of SEC payout). If we do leave early under that arrangement, the payout would presumably last until the delta between a full SEC payout vs. what we actually received totaled $75MM.
  5. Please PTI and SIAP, but would one of you fine gents happen to have a good stream (or site) for the 4 o’clock game?
  6. Tucker-Dorsey doesn't fly for fear of cabin pressure compressing his spine. Everyone knows that.
  7. You know you're height challenged if every half-inch needs mention. Speaking from experience, obviously.
  8. So where are we on the spectrum: pets' heads falling off, quiet confidence, a fluid-like situation or muledick?
  9. I can see why people wouldn't want Urban here for morality, his personality and mess that stems from that (e.g., his "disciplinary conduct" as Jags head coach), his bar-scene faux pas and his sketchy past at tOSU and UF. But the view that his on-field performance in one NFL season means he has lost it and would fail in "new era" CFB? Doesn't carry much weight to me, even if NIL is making the CFB landscape more akin to the NFL in that players are getting paid (some handsomely). See Nick Saban's run with the Dolphins (clearly unsuccessful even if much better than Urban's attempt) and let me reconsider when CFB institutes a draft and/or NIL-analog to a salary cap. While I don't think timing is right such that Sark should be canned and replaced tomorrow if it were an option, put me in the "win at almost all costs" and "Urban is not bad enough to where I would not still want him as the UT head coach" camp. I still think he would crush it on the field here. And as far as tarnishing the sterling reputation of the University, outside extremes situations like PSU, BU and the like for which Urban falls shy of risking from a morality perspective (IMO), my view is that the vast majority of people who pay even some degree of mind to CFB (let's set the bar low - they can name 10+ CFB head coaches) largely disassociate the academic institution of the university from the branch that is its football team in forming their perception of the former. In sum, absent extremes (child diddling, rape coverup, etc.), would prefer playing in the mud of the success with others over riding solo atop of the high horse of mediocrity. Whether that's coach selections, paying players or otherwise. Urban is no doubt muddy, but not caked in so much that he so much as shivers and it splatters across the walls of Belmont. Thanks for reading my blog.
  10. My bad. Didn't mean to dig up what looks like a very plausible connection through which Red McCombs might be pumping money into the NIL machine that is at the forefront of recruiting (and CFB generally). Please resume discussion of whether Malcomb Epps is a WR vs. TE, if Sark should put more focus on OL and LB in the portal, etc.
  11. Yeah, did not turn up anything explicitly "shady" in my digging, but will say there was some unusual stuff. For one, just how scrubbed/anonymous the guy is publicly - in all my sleuthing, never seen someone that ghosted. Not to mention for someone that (from what I can tell) is in his late 20s to early 30s. Also, one of the mentioned associations with the entities that are record owners of his Lambo and Ferrari dealerships is a San Antonio firm that focuses on international investments and tax consulting (he is originally from Mexico). My guess is that his rise from Subway to luxury car dealerships and Austin real estate has more to do with money from wealthy friends and/or family abroad than it does with his skills making sweet onion chicken teriyakis. Edit: Seeing your latest post. Will dig into the dad - was focused on the son/owner (who is definitely a ghost), looks like the old man is less stealthy.
  12. And here he is rubbing shoulders with DeLoss' offspring at the Headliners Club.
  13. So, as already mentioned, Ricardo Vega is majority owner of Lamborghini Austin (confirmed here, fourth paragraph). Tried to dig into him through the usual avenues, dude is a fucking GHOST. Only thing I think I've pinned is that his name might actually be Ricardo Antonio Vega Serrador. He doesn't show up in public records, no real estate owned is his name, no social media presence I can find beyond LinkedIn, etc. The house mentioned in the article linked above, and his Lambo and Ferrari dealerships, are all owned by different entities -- none of which he has any public association with. Though based on the associations that can be dug up (registered agents, officers, affiliated entities, etc.), there is a strong link to San Antonio. Then there is Bruce Knox, the co-owner and managing partner of Lamborghini Austin (link here) and former Executive Vice President of Circuit of the Americas (link). Knox was "installed into the [COTA] project by minor investor Red McCombs" (link) as President and CEO of Formula United States starting in 2011. At that time, he was also CEO of McCombs Partners (link). He got his foot in the door with McCombs Partners when back in 2005 when it acquired a company that Knox was CEO and co-founder of (Interactive Remarketing). Someone upthread mentioned Red might be throwing money around with one foot in the grave, this seems like a connection that could be done through.
  14. IMO, the UT-Bama matchup has more intrigue and storylines for the talking heads, commercials, etc. to hype up throughout a full day of broadcasting. Only nine total contests, and the last one was for a national championship. Get ready for Rose Bowl clips of our former QB, just not the good ones. That 2009 championship game was a huge inflection point for both programs. It marked the end of our last run, the beginning of their ongoing. After the Gene Stallings era (i.e., their Mack equivalent), Bama had a 10-year "wondering the desert" stretch with DuBose-Franchione-Shula. The fourth hire (Saban) brought Bama back, but only after a very Sark-esque first year that saw 6 regular season wins and four straight losses to end the season (including a big upset to ULM). Is Sark our Shula or our Saban? Will this UT-UA game be another inflection point for one/both programs? How will UT fare in the SEC, yada yada. Fuck 11:00 a.m. kickoffs.
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