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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. This thread continues to deliver. Who needs coffee in the morning when you can just mainline this? Me, every morning, before reading the first new screenshot:
  2. What were you expecting? Sir, this is a Wendy's Germania Insurance brokers conference.
  3. Might be a little out of date, but here's the latest I've seen from TexAgs:
  4. Sure wish we could find some dirt on their DC to use as negative recruiting leverage.
  5. Yeah I was there alright. Let’s just say your mom’s humidity index that day had nothing to do with the gameday environment.
  6. The Naritiv’s premium package (aka Lone Star Edition) includes domicile relocation services, ya dumb sip.
  7. Tbh it was pretty cringe and you should probably just stop while you’re behind. Just leverage the fact that surly hive mind has the attention span of a gnat, lay low for a few hours and the discussion will move on to the next regarded topic.
  8. There is only one undeniable truth. David Pierce should be fired if we don’t get another commit in the next 24 hours.
  9. Last couple pages of this thread is like watching the scene out of a movie where a car is teetering over the edge of a cliff. Does a commitment bring balance back to the board, or do we follow current story arch where the proverbial butterfly lands on the wrong side of the car, it falls into the abyss and we're exclusively talking geography, [insert iconic food item] and day-to-night shifts exclusively in a matter of hours? Stay tuned.
  10. Found her public record. She's got lots of info out there (29 different addresses, multiple cells phones, some (still active) FL corp named "Galaxy Brand Management, Inc." that I'm sure is totally above-board, and no education records - which usually means HS dropout), but no criminal history. Even checked PACER. So if there was a felony/fraud charge, must have been dismissed or (more likely) expunged.
  11. I'm not above sleuthing. Just need a last name and, if she has a felony, I'll find it.
  12. AIR, or did Kris Boyd and/or Holton Hill drive to Austin and commit on local news?
  13. Trevor Lawrence has valuable advice for Arch Manning:
  14. @texifornia, just wanted to let you know you're doing the Lord's work in this thread.
  15. sydirm = Sydir Mitchell, for those that would have also had to Google https://247sports.com/player/sydir-mitchell-46098968/
  16. I know what it stands for, but question the intellect of whoever rubber stamped the use of "AG23" as a recruiting tag.
  17. Kill a few pheasant off-season while your at it.
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