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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. Its like we should take a TO as soon as we get a 3 goal lead and the head coach should rip into them like Augie after getting his ass kicked
  2. didn't the Av's player push him into the goalie?
  3. this. also, it was fine with the 4 guys. do we really need a 5th guy
  4. Yes that's the biggest surprise. But Kidd has always adjusted and managed player personnel well from game to game so maybe it shouldn't be that surprising. Second biggest surprise has been PJ's ability to shoot the 3. Where's that been... PJ's scoring and Kyrie's clutch play are the difference in the series IMO. Kyrie just seems to know when he has to make a big shot.
  5. 2006 was absolutely payback for all of Cuban's(rightful) bitching about the refs. They still hold that against him. He exposed the absolute incompetence of NBA refs. Dirk paid for it and now Doncic is as well. I believe it is part of the reason stars don't want to come to Dallas. Dort definitely got fouled there but so did Luka.
  6. holy shit. they call that with all the bullshit going uncalled. such horseshit.
  7. well..like..ain't this a buncha bullshit. you know they have planes that fly and get you back in country, right?
  8. holy shit. that after the horn action should draw suspensions in the Edm Van game. total bullshit. he and the other van player should get suspended.
  9. just checking in to see if the aaavvvvsss got back at Benn for the head shot.....
  10. that was all for show to try to get the major.
  11. you saw a clear hit to the head just like the dumbass announcer who had to backtrack after getting all excited, not paying attention to the video, and admit he couldn't tell if Benn hit his head. his arm stays down.
  12. this is what all the CTE bullshit has wrought. it's fucking hockey dude. no one threw an MMA spinning back fist or even an elbow or forearm. and there was no contact to the head. the snap of the head is a natural reaction when you get jacked. sure come at Benn. I'm sure he'll be ready. christ if the spinning back fist that draws blood isn't a major then what Benn did is a normal play.
  13. they just have better offensive players and the best offensive defenseman in the game. luckily their D and goalies aren't as good as Vegas'. big win. need to steal one on the road now.
  14. oh come on. Johnston didn't even do shit.
  15. christ almighty...never has a 4 goal lead felt so tenuous.
  16. it really is ridiculous. we tend to shoot and not pass but our shooting is pretty damn poor. to be honest we don't seem to have high level stick handling talent.
  17. this. we have home court now. huge win no matter the injuries.
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