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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Celery Man

  1. Man i just wanna learn how to play like this

    is he just using a thumbpick, or does he have a fingerpick on his index too?  I feel like I could almost do it minus the fingerpicks.  Has anyone who has made any progress at all with fingerpicks.... had better experience with some than others?

  2. It would be stupid if it was a dream, it would be stupid if Moss is still alive.  I realize they did literally just do the joke setup where it sounded like Fuchs was getting killed and then the torturer was just building some stocks, but to end a season like that and come back in 9 months with "psyche!" would be The Walking Dead level shark jumping and this show has been better than that.

  3. I’ve posted before about my coworker who owns Southland Guitars. He recently restored this from pieces:


    1943 Banner J-45

    Sounds good too but I can’t figure out how to share a .m4a file.

    Man, how long till my j-45 looks like that? I should buy one and just set it under a window.
  4. Relative to the rest of the season, that was a very satisfactory finale.  The only time I frowned was mid laugh when Richard was saying "kiss my piss" to Gavin and then I remembered how epic the mean jerk time scene was in season 1.

  5. "Do we have any new baking soda?"
    "Uh, I think we actually do, but there should be an open box.  I mean, a new one is 37 cents though."
    "It's just annoying to have to replace it all the time to keep it fresh.  We should keep it in the fridge."
    "I think we also have a box in the fridge.  But wait, don't use the one in the fridge..."
    "I just read you're supposed to replace baking soda periodically"
    "Yeah, the one in the fridge.  You're not using the one in the fridge, are you?"
    "It's only good for like 24 hours after opening it."
    "The one in the fridge is to absorb fridge funk.  Don't use that, unless you want to infuse your cookies with fridge funk."
    "We should keep this sealed" (holding cardboard box from the pantry with the flap not shoved back into the flaphole)
    "Wait, 24 hours?  It's baking soda, that's cardboard..." *noticing she's getting impatient* "uh, ok.  don't use the one from the fridge."

  6. Yeah some Andersen guy came by and did the whole demo and crazy high quote with the "if you sign now it's *points at number*" deal.  He was crestfallen when I explained the second time "thanks for your time, we'll do some more research and make a decision."


    Good to know it's expensive.

  7. James Wilsey (guitarist on Isaak's Wicked Game) chiming in on a thread asking about how to get "that tone" (on the topic of perfect single coil sound)


    Funny topic. I played the lead guitar on Wicked Game and the first four Isaak LP's....

    Stock Fender Strat. Stock silverface twin. A little amp reverb and a little digital delay on the amp. A volume pedal. In the mix the gtr was treated with a little compression and stereo delay to spread it out, but the basic sound of the guitar was the same. It was comped together from a few takes to get the best feel throughout the song. Nothing really unusual.

    I hate to blow peoples' mind on a gearhead forum, but sometimes it's not WHAT STUFF you play but how you play and what notes you choose. That's the trick.

    However the opening riff would be difficult (not impossible) on a non-vibrato guitar.... I assure you I could go into guitar center with any strat and a clean amp with a little echo and verb and play this song for you and it would sound like the record.

    I'm not trying to say I'm a great guitar player (I know I'm not!!) but I play a particular way, this is a "style" that I have developed over years of playing . I tend to write parts that are simple enough for me to play.




  8. They're not the same guitar - J45 is fullbody slope shoulder, Hummingbird is square shoulder.  The Hummingbird Pro is a Hummingbird minus the decorated pickguard.  And the J-45 is mahogany backed while the custom is rosewood.

    Hummingbird is on my list.  Not sure if I'd want the pickguard or not.

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