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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Celery Man

  1. 1 hour ago, Royalfan5 said:

    On strictly anecdotal evidence, the nicer fast food places around here (Culver’s, Freddy’s, Chik-Fil-a, Runza) seem to have no problem finding fresh faced teens, and are usually over staffed. The McDonalds have recent immigrants, and everyone else is understaffed badly with few folk that don’t have a collection of job stoppers. 

    Mighty Fine really has their shit together.  I almost wish I could tip those kids.

  2. I feel like I should preface every post with a disclaimer that I'm a newb in this role (product owner) and am figuring it out.

    I was running an ops group doing kanban, and am now managing/"product owning" a cross functional product team that does a mix of development and ops.  On the scrum conversation, I do find that it's difficult to make sure that development stories are getting the time/love they need with ops/delivery stuff always trying to jump to the top of the board.  There are a lot of ways to combat this probably, but we're trying to do a loose scrum/kanban mix - planning features in a scrum fashion with two week sprints, but not such that it is 100% capacity for the developers.  But enough that we're definitely aiming for getting a specified set of stories completed in the two week sprint.  I don't think we've quite hit the right mix yet, but we're improving.

    We did try doing planning poker while planning this time around, and that was really useful to me (not being a software dev, it's not always totally obvious to me the amount of work that's going to go into completing a story) and a not horrible way to get the whole team involved in talking about what we're going to do.

  3. 58 minutes ago, Baboontyme said:

    She posted just now "All who oppose the gangs say I"

    Within about 30 seconds I responded with "I"

    Within another 30 seconds I got the notification on my phone, looked and I got a "Thanks" from Anna. Holy shit, the batshit is real. 


  4. People who are all woke about Cinco de Mayo not being a real holiday.  Look, fuck off.  Stay in.  Nobody gives a shit.  If people want to drink Dos Equis and do tequila shots and fuck it wear a sombrero, fuck you for being the awareness police.  Replace the stick with a cactus.

  5. On 5/1/2018 at 9:48 AM, Litig8r said:

    I have not found an acoustic guitar that has the sound of Jumbo Gibson.  If you know of one that has that deep bass response and cost less, let me know.  I have a Epi Masterbilt that is close but not totally there.  I really want a J-45 Custom.  

    Brool cory stro.  I’ve got a J-45 Custom.  Great guitar, though my big Martins actually have more on the low end.


    Gibson would be fine in good hands.  But they’re not.

  6. Not sure about SAFe (I need to learn about what that is), and not on the scale that you're talking about, but we at one point had our software group organized into "squads" appropriately sized as scrum teams (I think ~8 people).  We had a technical program manager coordinating with product to assign features and work with the scrum masters for each squad on scheduling work for sprints.

  7. 4 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    Do I not count? Seriously I don't think there are no young conservatives, it's just young conservatives are more liberal than older generations. 


    The only thing I meant at all is that, at any point in time, all the time, throughout time, young people on average tend to be more liberal than old people, on average.

  8. Is Lauren the one who used to set up shop at Musicmakers?  That’s who I was trying to go to.  Anyone got an e-mail?  I bet I can track down some contact info... it’s just intonating a brand new guitar

  9. 7 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    I was wondering if it was something like that - I could see what you were talking about in your picture where the strings weren't even.  Yeah, fresh strings are a no brainer, and the woman at Strait on Lamar as fast and good.  At setting up guitars.

    goddamn.  just took a guitar over there to get set up (my g&l, thinking maybe I'm blaming the tuners a tad too much and I don't have it intonated quite right yet).  I guess they have someone different (a guy) doing setups and he's booked out for 3 weeks.  Any recs on a good place in South Austin?  I need to take one of my Gretsch's over to straight frets to have it worked on, but not sure if that wouldn't be overkill for a basic setup.  And not sure if I trust GC.  Maybe I'll just delve deeper into doing it well myself.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

    Seeing more and more evidence that millenials tend to lean left and are even starting to flirt with socialism.   It's more of the "liberal" socialism like the Swedes practice but I'm pretty sure in my lifetime (assuming I live another 30+ years), that we'll see some really political change in this country.  I just hope it's not bloody.

    when was the last generation of 20-30 year old conservatives

  11. I was wondering if it was something like that - I could see what you were talking about in your picture where the strings weren't even.  Yeah, fresh strings are a no brainer, and the woman at Strait on Lamar as fast and good.  At setting up guitars.

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