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Seasick Sailor

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Everything posted by Seasick Sailor

  1. Ordered a pair of Lucchese Sunset Ropers in Chocolate. I was very impressed with the customer service. They were running a promotion for a free belt with purchase, but all the belts that matched my boots were sold out in my size. I chatted with someone today, and they gave me a code I can use when the belts are back in stock.
  2. I just finished the series and couldn't agree more. Maybe after Thrawn makes his live action debut in Ahsoka there will be enough interest to spur Disney into doing this.
  3. I think we'll be outbid for Contreras. If anything, we may get a modest upgrade to replace Castro. Given how pitching dependent we are currently, I can't see the FO replacing Maldy.
  4. I'm as tired of losing series to the Mariners as anyone, but nothing is fucked here:
  5. "It's the first day of the First Grade . . ."
  6. Just found a 36-month plan at 15.8/15.4/15.1 with a $99 cancellation fee. Think I'll go with it. I haven't seen anything more reasonable in my area.
  7. Why, so teams can just walk Yordan and let Alex rollover on one and get the DP?
  8. No PBP this entire half inning. Fucking annoying.
  9. It seems increasingly likely that the 2021 playoffs were the aberration. He's been dog shit this season, and, importantly, his performance this season is in line with his career numbers.
  10. Why throw a fastball there? Perez looked completely lost in that AB up to that point.
  11. Fuck all this holding a hearing to see if you get your guns taken away bullshit. Make someone go to a hearing to prove they should be able to own a gun before they can buy one.
  12. I guarantee you congress would protect Tyson Foods over Tyson the 4th grader.
  13. Indeed, it would not make sense for him not to be in his current mental state. Do people really expect that he would have just shrugged all of that off?
  14. You sure it's that MCU knows how to still have fun and not that you are taking this children's space fantasy story a little too seriously?
  15. I haven't watched ROTS in awhile, but, at the end when Organa adopts Leia, isn't it mentioned that Luke would go to Tatooine and Obi-Wan would watch out for him? If so, wouldn't Organa know Obi-Wan was there? I also thought the rando jedi who ends up getting hanged just happened to be on Tatooine and ran into Obi-Wan not that he "found" him, but maybe I missed something.
  16. Maton has been pretty bad too. FIP over 5. His WHIP is 1.22, and that feels low.
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