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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Right. If you have a tax rate of 100%, tax revenues will drop to $0. With the Trump tax cut and the Kansas Brownback tax cut, tax revenues decreased dramatically. Where is the sweet spot in the Laffer Curve? Do you agree with Laffer that Kansas didn't cut taxes enough? Laffer has said the problem in Kansas was that Brownback’s tax cut didn’t go far enough. “When you put an atomic bomb on a place, it will materially change the place – but a cherry bomb probably won’t change the buildings or anything else,” he told The Guardian in 2017. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-19/trump-awards-medal-to-controversial-tax-cut-champion-laffer
  2. So terrible, even for Mcnaughton. I'm worried he's about to crank out a series of these where he just reproduces a famous painting and slaps a maga hat on the subject. Maybe next he can slap hats on some of the survivors in Raft of the Medusa and have a swimming Trump pulling the raft to shore.
  3. Joe Biden is the supposed front runner of the Democratic Party and just served 8 years as VP. Also, anyone calling it the "Democrat Party" can fuck off on discussions about democrats much the way anyone referring to The University of Texas can fuck off if they're calling us t.u.
  4. As of right now, Dow is at about 24,900. Maybe Trump can brag about it breaking 25,000 again soon.
  5. I didn't see this posted in the thread but it looks like he actually tweeted this. Imagine knowing someone so dumb that they'd say this out loud, let alone send it out to the world by tweet. This idiot is President and he's spending his Memorial Day attacking his political opponents and the press. 40% of the country loves this guy.
  6. Right on about ALF. It ended on a really dark note. Last we saw, he'd been caught by the government and was likely going to be dissected. Willie just stood there like an idiot.
  7. Speaking of the death of Henry Blake and series finales, go to 21:00 of last St. Elsewhere episode. Patient 4077, Blake, Henry. Cause of death, thought to be injuries sustained in helicopter crash.
  8. Deadwood was cancelled unexpectedly between seasons. That was never meant to be the end of the series.
  9. It'd have been a more satisfying ending if Edmure had been declared king. So, everybody good with Edmure? Sure...whatever.
  10. If I ever make my own fantasy series, it's going to end with an Animal House style montage about what becomes of everyone. Fuck this Return of the King hobbits slobbering all over each other shit or this crap that I just watched.
  11. Or if he said something like, "Take the guns first, go through due process second." Remember that and how the liberals all reversed their positions? You're so right. Don Draper laughing at the libtards. haha.
  12. When I go back to Beaumont area to fish and visit my dad, I often go to a place called Tia Juanita's where I'll have queso and seafood gumbo in the same meal.
  13. I liked the Ferrell Center. I only saw one game there. It was the return game for Kenny Taylor. They booed him every time he touched the ball because he was one of the Baylor players that took the opportunity to get the fuck out of that place after one of their players killed a teammate and the coach was caught on tape trying to smear the dead kid. The subsequent investigations uncovered all sorts of NCAA violations. You know, Baylor stuff.
  14. Melisandre pulls some shenanigans and switches them before Mance was burned. It was muddled as shit in the books and was just as well left out since it probably wasn't going anywhere anyway. A Dance with Dragons Jon Snow, now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, hears rumors that Stannis Baratheon intends to grant lands and castles to Rattleshirt and Sigorn.[11] Stannis and his red priestess, Melisandre, execute Mance for desertion from the Night's Watch and for trying to destroy the Wall with the Horn of Joramun.[4] Before and while being burned in a cage, Mance denies being King-Beyond-the-Wall. Jon has his archers kill Mance to end his suffering.[4] After the Lord of Bones submits to Stannis,[4] Melisandre controls the wildling raider with a magical ruby on his wrist.[12]Stannis assigns him to serve the Lord Commander,[12] and Rattleshirt surprisingly defeats Jon in a sparring session.[13]Melisandre later tasks Rattleshirt with rescuing a girl she believes to be Jon's sister, Arya Stark. Jon is shocked to learn that Melisandre glamored Mance and Rattleshirt to each appear as the other, with the Lord of Bones actually the man burned in Melisandre's cage.[14] Now using the name Abel, Mance travels with spearwives to rescue Arya from Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell.[15]
  15. Show: Mance burned at the stake but for Jon's arrow. Tormund kills Lord of Bones at Hardhome. Books: Mance takes over the body of Lord of Bones.
  16. In the books, wasn't it Euron that had the dragon horn that could have maybe converted a dragon? That would have been way better than laser guided super crossbow missiles.
  17. By the end of WW2, there were no missile technologies on earth that were more deadly than Euron's crossbows. All the Soviet army's Katyusha rockets couldn't have done anything like that to the dragon or those ships. On top of that, the Iron Fleet has discovered Klingon cloaking technology. The dragon death happened so suddenly that I was seriously wondering if maybe Dany was having a dream.
  18. It's reminding me quite a lot of Walking Dead. For one thing, I don't care about any of the characters any more. Arya is probably still my favorite but she's moved beyond even really being a person to something supernatural with god-like abilities. The stupidity of the characters gets so bad that it's all a lot of people can talk about in a story that features zombies and dragons and shit. Why can't these Walking Dead idiots find water? How the fuck are you going to get ambushed by Euron's fleet for the 3rd time?
  19. Helsinki has been normalized. I probably won't hear about this anywhere else today or next week. This is the President, again being friendlier with dictators than he ever is with our democratic allies. Once again, he attacks American law enforcement and free press. Putin, MBS, Duterte, President for life Xi, Bolsonaro, Kim. Have we ever had a President that was this openly friendly with authoritarians?
  20. Nowhere close to safe for work...
  21. There was a guy with hops named Hefner that played at Nederland in the 80s. Is that his son?
  22. Shadow baby for Renly Brienne for Stannis Some Frey prick for Robb Jon Snow for Mance
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