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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. These are the shrimp and grits I made last week. I use carrots and Vienna sausage so every bite is a surprise. I'm happy to share the recipe.
  2. I didn't know this thread existed. I was thinking I'd start one here or in music thread just for this song. Josh Ritter is one of the all time best narrative song writers. This is a true protest song and one of the few ever that makes me think of Masters of War.
  3. Buy them a skateboard, a 40oz, and a pack of smokes A banner year in the Anastasis household! Smoke up, Johnny!
  4. A lot of Longhorn gear in this video. I implore someone with better computer skills than me to make a gif of them dancing on the Orange Bridge to celebrate Port Arthur recruits. Praise be to Allah.
  5. According to Worldometer, we'll pass Italy in reported cases per capita today. That's with about 60% as much testing. I guess we're just a more affectionate people than we realized.
  6. I feel bad for Barron but I feel even worse for the guy in the lion costume.
  7. He was in what has to be the best made for tv movie of all time, The Jericho Mile. Spoiler alert, this is the final scene in the movie. Dennehy appears at about 2:10.
  8. Hopefully those penguins are just taking a nap and aren't highly susceptible to Corona virus.
  9. This Bill Mitchell guy seems so genuine and trustworthy.
  10. Say what you will, 8badmofo is a master of social distancing.
  11. West of the Mississippi, Colonel Sanders was better known as Blue Duck.
  12. True. Trump's just letting them cut the shark open and now the Kushner kid is about to spill out all over the dock.
  13. ^^^^^^ The party of family values. Seriously, take a step back and look at some of what you celebrate in this man. Are you married? Does your wife know that you glorify Dotard for having a much younger trophy wife?
  14. I call bs. If any of you gave a damn about how shitty he is, there would be more people on the right that at some time or another would've wanted to get rid of Trump in favor of any other Republican that would give you the same tax cuts, de-regulation, judges, and abortion whatever. You either like the shittiness or you know you're beholden to his cult, or both.
  15. Hot Chip will be playing Stubbs on April 8th. Bought my tickets this morning. https://www.bandsintown.com/en/e/101982381-hot-chip-at-stubbs-bbq?came_from=251&utm_medium=web&utm_source=artist_page&utm_campaign=event
  16. This team has shot more free throws than the opposition only 4 times this season, vs. K. St., Central Michigan, UAB, and Purdue.
  17. It's as if half the country totally believes the drunk idiot who's been pulled over at 2:30 in the morning when he says he's refusing the breathalyzer because it says right there in the Constitution he doesn't have to take a breathalyzer.
  18. I'm also a moron. I guess that's what we get when we take the word of some twitter asshole that posts as Stonewall Jackson.
  19. Camelback needs to start the Shaka Stormers if he hasn't already.
  20. Gaetz is now down to 363,000 twitter followers. I keep thinking I'm past the point where I can be surprised by the Trumpkin cult, but again, here we are.
  21. We're almost to Idiocracy. I just hope some of our remaining smart people are making progress on automating everything since we'll soon to be too dumb to do anything for ourselves.
  22. What's really strange is he won't be the last.
  23. This was a movie thread, Now it's for Taalking heeaadss You got it , you got it.
  24. The curse lives on. Last night, MAGA super turd and UFC fighter, Colby Covington had his jaw broken on his way to getting TKOed in his title fight against Kamaru Usman.
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