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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by campcrunk

  1. He's a beast. Remember when aggy said he was a scrub we only took to get Muhammad? I guess they forgot to... WATCH. THE. TAPE.
  2. Colorado's third and long defense makes ours look like the 86 Bears.
  3. Damn. This kid is quick and disruptive. Maybe my memory is off but his highlights actually remind me a little of what I recall Taylor Bible's looking like - hopefully with better dietary practices. https://www.hudl.com/video/3/12750232/6318cef2d2256e10644c24f4
  4. Honestly, I get the impression that he might have some Tom Herman type stuff going on mentally. Hiring idiot buddies to be yes-men. Blaming the failure of his brilliant offense and play calling on everyone but himself. If so, he's NEVER going to change and, even if they force him to hire an OC, he's going to obstruct and meddle with everything the new guys tries to do. It'll probably be a disaster I can't wait
  5. https://247sports.com/player/roderick-pierce-46115988/ https://www.hudl.com/video/3/12955923/6163b6140dbfd6089054f6d5
  6. This might just be the funniest post in this thread (despite some INCREDIBLY stiff competition). The implication that a school that funnels their athletes into chicken farming degrees is somehow on par with the academic requirements of somewhere like Stanford is just *chef's kiss* too perfectly aggy for words.
  7. "Horns are... a few plays away from 4-5." If aggy wants to play that game, we're also a few plays (including a missed safety and a QB injury) away from being 9-0. Dumb asses.
  8. Oh thank God. Now I can finally unclench my butthole. That was not fun to watch - but I'll take it
  9. This thread is going to be absolutely GLORIOUS for the rest of the weekend and next week. I can't wait
  10. Could the announcers maybe find a way to blow Jimbo and aggy just a little more in spite of this pathetic performance?
  11. Here's hoping that the members of the aggy team that weren't out with "the flu" also quit on the season
  12. Exactly. If you run Richardson up the gut and don't get it, oh well. If you run that slow developing crap with all that crap 5 yards behind the LOS, it's just a wasted play.
  13. Wow. I'm impressed that King is still upright. He's getting killed back there
  14. That was one of the worst fourth and short play calls I've seen this side of Tom Herman
  15. "Hmmmm... Richardson's averaging like 15 ypc. Better call back-to-back pass plays." -Billy Napier, apparently
  16. Just an awful series for Florida. Those last two playcalls were just atrocious. These are two bad teams and neither seems to want to win
  17. This. And even then, I might feel bad - that is, if I didn't see some variation of "Whitman should've gotten more of them!" on the rare occasions I'm bored/self-loathing enough to venture over to texaggy.
  18. This much, at least, is true. My son got it and we were lucky enough to get him quarantined quickly because we were worried about COVID. He was out of school for more than a week (despite having every flu shot he's ever been eligible for) and he still has a nasty cough a week later. If I hadn't seen Weigman get smashed into the turf last weekend, I might almost believe this. But I did see it and it's pretty obvious the flu stuff is a smokescreen.
  19. I guess if you defined "sick" broadly enough, it could theoretically include a concussion. But that definition would need to be really, really broad...
  20. Even if Jimbo does hire a real OC, does anyone think for a minute that he won't meddle with every aspect of the game planning, play calling, and coaching? If aggy has two competing offensive visions and Jimbo is constantly struggling against the OC to make sure his wins out, they could actually get even worse on offense. Knowing them, that's probably exactly what will happen. Fingers crossed
  21. "Jimbo should be taking the evidence straight to the... NCAA." Sure thing, aggy. If there's one thing Jimbo would absolutely love right now, it's NCAA attention. That may not go quite the way you want it to
  22. YES! So much this. If Cook had actually made head-to-head contact with Dekkers in that situation, Dekkers would have been on the turf, possibly unconscious. Cook probably would have been too. It wasn't even close and the fact that so many opposing teams' fans are suddenly SOOOO "concerned" about officiating after laughing at the way we've gotten jobbed over and over again by this shit conference is pretty telling
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