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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by campcrunk

  1. Potentially cool play concept, Clemson. Absolutely horrendous execution
  2. Interesting offer. For as little as you can tell from a highlight reel, he looks like he has a good first step but needs to add some weight. I like the play at 0:55 an awful lot.
  3. Loved the way all the refs had to have a little meeting on that penalty to figure out a way to pin it on us
  4. This SO much closer than it should be...
  5. Jesus Christ. Put Card in and run the option or something. It can't be any worse than what Ewers has done today
  6. Absolutely fucking pathetic. We should announce that we're leaving this shit league tomorrow
  7. This is an interesting tweet - and I'm wondering if this is partly coming from Jimbo. I can't decide if I hope it is. As much fun as it will be to watch aggy meltdown if he doesn't bring in an OC, it might be even funnier if they get their hopes up only to realize, ten months from now, that Jimbo is still running the show and meddling as much as possible.
  8. Tailor ham vs. pork roll discussion not going away
  9. Aranda was basically begging to lose this one - and TCU almost said "no thanks, you take it."
  10. Remember that time we could have had Quentin Johnston and Savion Williams but Tom Herman is a prick and Andre Coleman is a buffoon?
  11. Did Sark draw up that 4th down call for Baylor? Because it looked like the same shit we run when we absolutely have to get a yard
  12. As hysterically awesome as that was, I feel like losing Weigman could be even better. Back then, they always had the option to get rid of their "underachieving" coach (you know. The one who historically overachieved for their program) and there was always a glimmer of hope in the future. If Weigman leaves, they're stuck with Jimbo for years and whatever remaining hope they may have would just be completely crushed. They'll be praying for a QB like Starkel or Hubenak. And it will only get worse from there because there is no bottom floor in Hell - especially not for aggy.
  13. Weigman leaving has to be too good to be true, doesn't it? I mean, there's just no way, right? aggy misery levels would reach an all time high and it would set that program back to before the Stone Age even more than Jimbo already has. We're talking like a pre-Australopithecus, non-tool using hominids level set back. I don't know how they would ever recover from that.
  14. Maybe it's all the Lagavulin I've been drinking tonight to take my mind off the fact that the weekend is now over but I feel like anyone who says they'd instantaneously and unconditionally shoot down the brunette who's second from right isn't being entirely truthful. Edit: there's definitely more than a few meat judging puns to be made here but I'm much too drunk to make any clever ones.
  15. Sark and the staff better forget whatever unpleasant history they may or may not have with Evan Stewart. Someone associated with UT needs be in his ear every fucking day. And if they want to reach out to Moose Muhammad as well, that wouldn't exactly break my heart either.
  16. Why did he hit "enter" after each line? Is this supposed to be a poem?
  17. I know we're all pissed. Can we maybe get some screenshots after aggy's even worse performance to cheer us up? Apologies for the gif's misspelling of "bogart." This was the best gif I could find of the pirate from the Venture Bros needing his fix
  18. I'm not quite as down on Ewers as some of y'all but I do think maybe staying in HS another year and redshirting would've been good for him. I know kids want to play immediately these days but even VY and Colt needed a RS year. Having Hutson out also seemed to be pretty substantial, especially in the run game. Also, it was almost cruel of Barron to run back that scoop and score to give us 3 minutes of false hope. Even if we all knew it was false. Anyway, despite the absolute shitshow on offense, I'm hopeful that the atmosphere and defensive performance at least gave the recruits something to think about. Hill especially.
  19. campcrunk

    Who is next?

    I vote we let the Manning family pick. They cannot possibly fuck it up worse that our AD and BMDs have over the past decade
  20. We certainly deserved to lose. But the refs were, as expected, absolute ass. Totally agree with everyone who says we should ditch this shit conference yesterday
  21. I wonder if Eric Gray regrets leaving Tennessee now
  22. West Virginia seems determined to make this as difficult for themselves as possible
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