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Everything posted by J.R.

  1. Maybe Putin realized he’d overplayed his hand and poisoned him with polonium in their private meeting.
  2. I hope that this was not some last ditch effort to disrupt a meeting between our idiot Russian operative president and his handler because they know they have the goods on him but aren’t ready to drop the hammer just yet.
  3. This entire shit show perfectly illustrates why all political debate should consist of a televised cross examination of the candidate under oath by a skilled cross examiner with access to documents produced by the candidate and LEOs that do not have to be shared with the candidate in advance. None of these clowns would be in office and it would be mightily entertaining. Maybe we can impose that after Civil War 2.
  4. I have a friend in SD that asked me to ask you the address and or name of said establishment.
  5. Reports of shots fired on the Hill
  6. I'd like to play poker against John Kelley for high stakes
  7. Civil War 2 Battle of San Jacinto is rained out. Will be rescheduled at a later date.
  8. We need more patriots like the one who confronted him at lunch.
  9. Maybe stop to think that perhaps it is not that the left is intolerant of their views, it is, in fact, that their views are racist, xenophobic, and dangerously nationalist, and that they deserve the heat they are getting?
  10. Any of you fuckers on here politicizing this lamentable issue on either side should kill yourselves if you get the chance. Unless you enjoy falling into the carefully laid trap of Slododan Trump and his sidekick Stephen Geobbels. Only the Nazis among us, and there are a few, thinks this is a good solution. If so, pls identify yourself so we can nominate you to be deported to Sinoloa country and have a worthwhile citizen fill your place. Kudos to those actively fighting for a solution and having the stones to vote out any rep (R or D) who is not doing the same. History will not look kindly on the politics of today.
  11. Note the number of those that are settlements (i.e. this money was actually paid). He is not hurting for money, I dont care what kind of shitty coffee business deals he has gotten into.
  12. Displaying a stunning ignorance of the downstream refined products market
  13. No shit is it patented or something
  14. Its really very, very intentional. The 30-40% that lap up the dog shit that spews from his mouth will honestly believe DACA has become about stopping illegals at the border.
  15. Happy Easter All! Now watch while I punt this political football and ruin some innocent lives!
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