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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. The 10 day forecast, which gets us into May, looks bone dry. From what I have learned from droughts in the past, it’s really hard to dig out. The ground gets so dry and the creeks go completely empty. When a normal rain shower comes, the ground just sucks up all the water and the creeks and lakes don’t really benefit.
  2. There was a nuclear “expert” on tv this week making a case for staying home. Went through all the scenarios and it seems like dying in traffic is how a lot of people would meet their fate.
  3. Cases are down 97% in AISD. I’ve been pro-mask but I think the time is right.
  4. If octopuses can eat octopus, then why can’t we? They don’t have any sympathy for the intelligence of their brethren.
  5. I did a college presentation proposing this around 2004. Think of all the progress that could have been made by now if the world just listened to a young, drunk, spider.
  6. It was only really bad for a few days. The others have been like a mild hangover. I’m just ready for it to be gone.
  7. Tested positive 5 days ago. Tested again today and I’m still positive. The thing is, I had already made it through the worst of it when I got the first positive test. It’s probably close to 10 days now.
  8. Tested positive today. Felt like absolute ass for a couple of days now. Vaxed but not boosted yet. Was going to do it this week but I guess that’s not an option for a while.
  9. Yep, at my school only the police unlock doors after a real lockdown.
  10. I like my job and it pays well enough. I’m thankful for sports so I can pay as little attention as possible to my in-laws and their insane rants today.
  11. Sounds similar to Westwood in round rock isd. Was never dominant in football but made the playoffs most years. They usually win 1-2 games a year now and cracking to top 10% is damn near impossible if you aren’t a workaholic/genius.
  12. A lot of teachers walked into new state expectations they weren’t expecting this year and have announced they are retiring in December. Don’t see it getting better for a while because there won’t be enough new grads to replace them.
  13. A lot of people left the profession over the last couple of years. People with enough years to retire chose to do so in larger numbers than usual. It’s always been a hard job in relation to the pay, but it’s gone too far and people are bailing. It’s actually true for administrators as well.
  14. I’m an elementary school principal. I have teaching positions sitting vacant at what is typically a desirable, easy to staff school.
  15. I assume this is for the Florida program where you go catch pythons in the Everglades and get paid per snake. Good luck gents.
  16. I thought Lazarus was decent the couple of times that I went. It’s been a while though.
  17. That's because 100% of school districts have plenty of no value-added do-gooders and politicians and bureaucrats would rather waste time on meaningless crap than deal with real issues. As a principal, that’s about 90% of my time. Have to get the real work that actually helps the school done on nights and weekends.
  18. I’ve taken shits that look better than that building.
  19. I don’t buy shit I don’t need. I swear half of the carbon footprint of the world is women buying shit on Amazon and having it shipped/trucked around the world.
  20. We are testing a lot of kids with fevers that are coming back negative.
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