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Everything posted by Plorant

  1. We do, but we aren't allowed to talk about it...Shit!
  2. At this point, it looks like King is going to Tennessee or Auburn. That's best case scenario. Let LSU keep all their commits.
  3. I still would very much like to watch Mookie play for the Longhorns.
  4. Civil War recommendation would be Gettysburg. I haven't seen it in this thread yet, but I really enjoyed Fury. WW2 tank movie starring Brad Pitt.
  5. This kid looks pretty good... Also, Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. "Asian-American," please.
  6. Derrian Brown. The guy you couldn't stop talking about.
  7. Have you been able to walk since?
  8. Now that he has the Instagram account on the way up maybe he can start working on his Polynesian ties.
  9. Psst the Arena League only has 4 teams.
  10. Why would Glass have to keep his visit secret?
  11. And because both cars were made by GM, were both cars available in metallic mint green paint?
  12. Not smart enough to realize you can't be more than 100% of anything. Do not want.
  13. Yes, their game was postponed to today due to poor air quality from the fires.
  14. Didn't they do the same thing before the season with another receiver? Dylan Wright maybe.
  15. I remember a time when I wanted this guy to be our coach of we couldn't get Herman.
  16. Lombardi coming into this game with a 44.5 completion percentage. He makes that Kentucky QB look like Drew Brees.
  17. The field goal is probably a deathblow. Mich State offense is beyond terrible.
  18. This game will be Rams vs. Chiefs type explosive. O/U 110 easy.
  19. I didn't know that. I don't wish anything bad on the kid. I hope he does really well.
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