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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. msudawg


    He was calling off the ss.... westy gotta know to get the hell out of the way.
  2. msudawg


    For a team who badly struggled to turn DP's this year we have turned a bunch in post season. BIG BIG dp.
  3. msudawg


    Alright... well... Here we go....
  4. msudawg


    Agree. And now the 2 remaining sec teams will play each other in an hour. and no matter what..only one can advance to the finals.
  5. msudawg


    is there life? double... tying run now at the plate.. 2 outs.
  6. msudawg


    Yep... could be 5-4 now if he ran straight thru.
  7. msudawg


    Dont think it matters... homer by auburn. it was a blast though. still 5-3 1 out in 9th
  8. msudawg


    Auburn / Louisville won't resume until 9pm at earliest. Maybe they get pushed to resuming tomorrow morning. Game can't start past 11pm tonight.
  9. msudawg


    Well CRAP... MSU / Vandy moved to Wed at 1pm. Loser gets screwed with short rest.
  10. msudawg


    Nice diving catch by lousiville rf. 4-1 to the 5th.
  11. msudawg


    As long as the lighting stays away.. should just be wet. Low QPF amounts .
  12. msudawg


    Dear Auburn. next time you think you should throw a ball in a rush. Don't ... wow. 4-1 Louisville.
  13. msudawg


    2-1 louisville... bases loaded walk. putting down some diamond dry.
  14. msudawg


    Hahahaha GOT EM. Dead at the plate. what a throw from the RF.
  15. msudawg


    Bye Bye Hogs. would I like to have had a chance to redeem our only sweep on the season? Yep. but screw the hogs.
  16. msudawg


    That was a freaking blast. wow
  17. msudawg


    What a game... Baseball in June is all about surviving. I expect us to throw Plumlee on tuesday and will see how we match up against Vandy.
  18. msudawg


    Indeed.. it is. Once you get to Omaha... you have to have some luck. and we had that tonight.
  19. Impressed by Michigan... Tech not out of time yet though.
  20. Sorry guys. we suck. we are lucky to be there. We don't belong. SEC. SEC. SEC. there. better?
  21. Haha nah.. I like Burt just wondered if he had a reason why for his thought. Turns out he did it just for the reaction and that's all good.
  22. Pick your first round winners - TTech, Ark, Louisville, MSU.
  23. Well I see only my drinking buddy is picking us. Vegas has us as the 3rd best odds (3.5 - 1) ...just behind Ark and Vandy (3 to 1) This team just has a buzz to it this year. Not just right now. but this whole year. If we get to 2-0 over AU and Lville/Vandy.. and then are sitting with the National FR pitcher of the year (JT Ginn) waiting for his turn.. I think a few more people might give us some respect. This team has been there. Now they just need to finish the job.
  24. You might think so. But we will see, Plate discipline. If you watch the Pitching Ninja break down the K pitches. not one is a strike. all but 1 of his K's came on swinging. Not to mention the guy went ALL IN for 131 pitches. How will he bounce back from that we will see and yes I know he has just over a week of rest till that game. Either way if that matchup happens. I feel confident we can match up with them fine across the board. We only played once this year and it was Small vs Fellows and we lost 1-0 but didn't have Big Hit Mac playing and jake was in a 1 for 35 slump or so. Bring them on. Drake or Rocker doesn't scare us. Actually noone in the tournament scares us. Would love another winner takes it all vs ark in the finals. We changed our team after we got swept by them and went on fire. If you think it's Ttech... well we beat them 4-2 earlier this year. Would be a fun series. Tadlock's team is a fun brand of ball to watch. But first, lets see who is going to pitch for Auburn. Tanner Burns?
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