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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. Surly party in the new members tasting room for the next wine pickup party?
  2. I forgot about Das Peach Haus. I have read really good things, but their hours never worked in our schedule when we are down.
  3. msudawg


    Every do any of the tastings with Rhonda or Curt? Love that place since I found it about 4 months ago.
  4. I forgot to mention a couple other places. Across the street from William Chris is Hye Market, great for a quick sandwich in between wines. Down the side street by Hye Market is Garrison Brothers Whiskey. I haven't been yet myself, but have heard good things. Also on 290 in Hye is Hye Rum, which is partly owned by Benjamin Calais also. If you are looking for a NICE dinner besides otto's you have two choices.. on complete ends of the area. Bryans on 290 in Johnson City. or Hilltop Cafe just outside Fredericksburg.
  5. Highly recommend reservations. Especially for the weekend. Don't take a chance, it takes a little time to make a call or send an email. Thursday will be a little better unless thats Feb 14... Luckenbach is right down the road from Becker and usually has some local picker in the afternoons if music interests ya. I'll be back down for my next wine club pickups at the end of Feb or first weekend of March. Now that we have joined 2 wine clubs (Becker and William Chris) we will be making 4 or 5 trips down per year (that means more trips to jester king also) and have a few more on our list we haven't tried yet. #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  6. How many days. 2 or 3? When are ya going. Do you or her currently have any favorite styles of wine? That would help a lot. Are you willing to drive outside the city or only do things within walking distance? Food.... Otto's is great and indeed worth the visit. Though I make a point to never visit Fredericksburg on the weekends. Best of luck. If your BnB isn't bnB... (not all include breakfast anymore) I would recommend Old German Bakery & Restaurant for a traditional breakfast and german pastries or Twisted Sisters Bake shop if she needs a good cup of coffee instead of what comes out of a K cup or pitcher. Stop by Opa's and make sure to taste anything they have out, lots more options than you can usually get in the grocery store. We always bring some back. Altstadt brewery is close to town and just opened. Good beer, Good food. I did a flight there recently and enjoyed the majority of them especially the kolsch (available in bottles) and German Pils. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5844622eb3db2b1a4a9eecb7/t/5c1c18222b6a284f63d01c44/1545345069992/Altstadt+Biergarten+Menu.pdf Now for Wine, as mentioned. Best thing is to know if you like any specific style or grape. If ya have no idea, then it's a great starter trip. Not knowing your preferences, I'll toss off some of my Favorites but none are in the city except Becker. Becker - the juice in the grocery stores is trash. the juice at the winery is wonderful. The Canada cab is one of my favorites right now. You can visit the winery just outside of town or the Main Street tasting Room. $20 for 6 tastings. https://www.beckervineyards.com/Visit/Make-a-Reservation Messina Hof - (yes i know...Aggie) especially the Paulo wines. http://www.messinahof.com/hillcountry Kuhlman (by Appt only) , they do 4 and 5 signature "bites" that pair with the wines for $20/27.50 Make sure and try the herbed almonds. They are crack and always around my place now. http://www.kuhlmancellars.com/About-Us/The-Tasting-Exerience William Chris vineyards (appt required) - One of my top favorites (we are in their wine club). I could talk about their wine for days. https://www.williamchriswines.com/ Calais Winery (look for the french flag flying just off 290 in Hye) - Benjamin is a friend of mine, who started his winery in Deep Ellum before tiring of the politics of dallas, and decided to move to Hye, Tx. He makes exceptional french style wines with texas grapes. If he is not around, Adrienne likely will be, she used to work at Jester King brewery before changing over to the wine side..and has also started her own wine company called Lightsome. https://www.calaiswinery.com/
  7. See yall at 1.... heading down in the morning
  8. No offense, but i don't give to any charity until i can see how they spend the money that comes in. Far to many spend that money on salaries and not programs. None taken sir. And I don't blame you at all. It won't help you but I've seen the books and know what our expenses are and it's all directly related to the Gala and Merch primarily. If you are so inclined, I'd ask you to consider donating directly to either one of our Beneficiars. These are all vetted by us and have been certified for year. Based in Houston lone survivor foundation was started by Marcus Lattrell. The raider project is based in North Texas. Started by nick koumalatsos who is one of our keynote speakers this year In addition, Jason Redman will be another speaker who started combat wounded coalition. Or, the more well known but still very small is Operation enduring warrior. If you would like any links to learn about them please let me know.
  9. We all do our part in different ways. Thank you for your support of helping veterans find a job. I emailed Bob last year and specifically asked for permission to do so before posting. I would never post something like this without his blessing.
  10. If you feel like that's enough, that's on you. I'm not guilt tripping anyone into anything. The biggest thing is the current line of many things including ptsd with vets is handing them a bottle of pills. The organizations we support are about treating ptsd through physical activity, rehab, and team building. Giving the guys especially ones who are disabled a chance.. Showing them their world is not over.
  11. This is our first year of being 501c3 so not at this time. I can show you checks that went out to the various charities over the past 3 years if you have any questions. I do understand being suspicious of any non-profit but will gladly share anything with you that ya ask.
  12. Guys, I want to post about something that is near and dear to me and I am blessed to be a part of (besides this great site)Now.. what are 3 things we in the South are Passionate about. Sports (that's why we are here) ,Guns...(well we can talk about those Auction items later...) and our Soldiers / Veterans.Well I'm here to try and see if any of you would be willing to help with the last one. I am the Director of Corporate Relations for Operation Valor, a 501c3 who raises funds every year through our Annual Benefit Gala, Virtual Runs, and Merchandise sale.We are a completely voluntary organization, who has donated over $75k to different veteran non-profits over the past 4 years. This year all net donations will be donated to our 7 vetted Veteran non-profits :Chris Kyle Frog Foundation Lone Survivor Foundation 31 Heroes Navy SEAL Foundation Operation Enduring Warrior Combat Wounded Coalition The Raider project All of these charities work closely with mentally and physically wounded veterans to honor, empower, and motivate them. Through different programs offered, the wounded veterans are reminded there is no challenge big or small they cannot overcome.The biggest way we raise funds is our annual Operation Valor Charity Benefit Gala. This year the gala will be at the DFW North Mariott in Irving, TX on Oct. 25. Now BEFORE I lose you and you say... Well I won't be able to attend.. Well Read on... You CAN still help from afar!!!What I'm asking for from my Sports fans is to donate the purchase of a ticket ($100) so a veteran can attend the dinner in your place. https://opvalor.org/product/veterans-charity-benefit-gala/You can also register to take part in the virtual run that has 3 different distances (5k, 10k, Half marathon) for $25 each or $60 for the trifecta medal (and all 3 distance medals) Or pick up some shirts, patches, or a pen made from a 50 cal shell. https://opvalor.org/shop/Also you can also donate directly using credit card or PayPal. If you wish to write a physical check instead, Please make it out to Operation Valor and mail to:Operation Valor 7201 Hart LaneSte. #1088Austin, TX. 78731One of our Beneficiaries this year is Operation Enduring Warrior. If you haven't seen or heard of them before. This organization is full of some bad-asses who won't let any of their battle injuries stand in their way of doing anything. And that is one of the points they make in helping other veterans. Whether it's showing them how much they can overcome during a Spartan race, jumping out of an airplane, or working in the community. If anyone has any questions ... Please PM me.EIN 82-1207893https://www.opvalor.org/https://www.facebook.com/OpValor1/https://www.instagram.com/operationvalor/https://twitter.com/OpValor1
  13. Oh shit? You were there??? #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  14. Bulllllllll shit. #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  15. Party's over. Later fellas #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  16. Hurry up. A very confused Mississippi Horn is here with Ms. Arkansas
  17. Bands going strong... If you like 80s music #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  18. Stay away from the drunk fathers.... #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  19. Where's your damn ass.... Get here already you low life Mississippi scum.... #HailState tapatalk about dis...
  20. May that fool never make a return ever... he's gone from all social media that I know of.
  21. You still have Eddie O as your Head Coach. I don't think it's going to end how you think it will...
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