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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. That is a solid plan for me. We got a little lucky today that we didn’t have to finish our game tomorrow AND ncst fucked around enough so that vandy will have to pitch some tomorrow. I like our chances. This has been a fun team to watch.
  2. At this point in Troph’s life we are just lucky it’s not a picture of a blow boat. 😂😬
  3. You also don’t beat OSU at home at night. And then you do.
  4. And that’s always the best answer. see y’all at 6 manana. Hook ‘em.
  5. You don’t want to try to swap a prop out while in the water. Don’t ask me how I know this.
  6. You shouldn’t have parked in the regarded zone.
  7. Lots of balls in Spanish are the same thing in English
  8. So no Nixon tomorrow. This rain delay fucked us 6 ways from Sunday. I was out for a bit. Who are we pitching tomorrow?
  9. Just tell her we’ve got a game. She won’t know either way.
  10. Ok here we go. Finish it out and put the pressure back on them. 🤘
  11. So Carmelo Anthony was absolutely drinking, or at least there, at 4 in the morning on Bourbon St the night before the NC against Kansas. I would have bet my life and then lost it. These people are on another level.
  12. No, but let’s get this over with. Just brutal for us and you can’t draw it up any worse.
  13. No but it at least gives them time to figure out if they can play. What a mess.
  14. With this and the weather forecast for tonight, just move both games to tomorrow. That’s as fair as can be to everyone.
  15. It’s a problem with no solution and it’s been a problem for years now. It’s just worse this year like everywhere. People in the service industry can’t afford to live here anymore. We are finally building a large apartment complex out on 361 where the old Harvey dump was. It will help, but we need 3 or 4 more to be built.
  16. Yeah that’s definitely a deer. We don’t see a lot of them on the island but there are a ton on PINS.
  17. Love Fuego. Have fun. How’s the rain?
  18. All of this above. I use a regular tv and occasionally remember to bring it in after use. Next day it always comes in. You are talking about a tv that is way less than 200 bucks. Throw it in the trash if you have problems and then just order a new one. It will be better and likely cheaper and probably bigger. the brightness isn’t an issue with indoor/outdoor tv’s. At all. They are the same thing. Buy something like this and be done with worrying about it - https://www.walmart.com/ip/TCL-32-Class-3-Series-720P-HD-LED-Roku-Smart-TV-32S335/529489120?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&&adid=22222222227368108254&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=466871438086&wl4=pla-957785741976&wl5=9028131&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=529489120&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwt8uGBhBAEiwAayu_9QI0_E6VpWlWdjEfeX9rOepXrzcBegGLhIPAHyer8jsofKWhZnEtZRoC_dMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  19. And yes that was a 24 hour recovery. I’m getting old. Was pretty sure I was dying from the hangover at about 9 pm.
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