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Everything posted by TxTower

  1. Don’t know why he’s returning punts anyway. Big injury risk for our best wideout.
  2. He’s the screwdriver to his girlfriends neck guy and he’s a douche.
  3. So four teams vying for three playoff spots within a half game of each other with 10 days left in the season. Get your popcorn ready folks.
  4. We know the bullpen sucks, but maybe the most frustrating thing about this team is vanishing bats.
  5. Is this the streakiest Rangers team evar?
  6. Well it was fun while it lasted. Stick a fork in ‘em. This team’s done.
  7. That was low. Way to end the game, Fuck you blue.
  8. Martinez was worse. How can you not make contact? Are his eyes closed?
  9. Why does Taveras try to take a bag when a .340 hitter is up?
  10. Looks like Perez came with some attitude tonight. I like it. Somebody in this bullpen needs to make a stand.
  11. Fords offering 3.9% or $3,500 cash back for F150’s thru the Labor Day weekend.
  12. Starting to see 1.9% financing or $4,500 cash back offers on a new Silverado. Almost seems like old times.
  13. Down to +174. That 8 game losing streak knocked it down a bit.
  14. At least they kept us entertained through August this year - just in time for football season.
  15. That’s the guy. Former White Sox manager Ozzie Guillén summed up the situation as, "If you play against him, you hate him. If you play with him, you hate him a little less."
  16. Who are these losers in the booth? My wife hates them.
  17. Won 8 straight in August. Lost 8 straight in August. Time to get back in the win column. Come on Max - be our stopper!
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