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Everything posted by TxTower

  1. I’ll say this - BFLT said that Jack Daniel’s SB store pick ryes were pretty good. I tried and he was right. But now I’m having a JDSB rye that isn’t even a store pick and it’s delicious. Highly recommend. Bozo was right - anything JD sets their mind to, they can crush it.
  2. Saw that they’re waiting on some things to play out with other teams for a wing player. Fingers crossed.
  3. Just waiting for the Mavs to do something incredible stupid tonight.
  4. Fucking Duncanville. It’s a complete swamp. Once you realize that, it’s not so surprising.
  5. Should we throw Bowser another fastball?
  6. So nobody can hit a change up?? All dead red hitters?
  7. Oh yes! Bet the house! I mean it’s college baseball. What could possibly…, Fuck it 🫡
  8. So we scored 2 of our 3 runs swinging at the six first pitches we swung at. Should’ve done it more.
  9. There were definitely some called third strikes with bat on the shoulder too. The guys stuff wasn’t that electric. He just has a very odd delivery and I think our guys had trouble picking up the ball.
  10. That’s because almost everyone’s approach was to watch the fat first pitch strike and then spend the rest of the at bat chasing out of the zone. The few that swung on the first pitch had some success.
  11. Hate this herky jerky junk ball lefty. He screwed us last year.
  12. I would’ve laughed in their face. I was at that disaster. They showed no ability to perform even the fundamentals of the game. This team has come a loooong way.
  13. Time for some Major League douching
  14. It’s like watching Mr Peppermint play baseball
  15. OK then I’m rooting for them. Hoosiers need to win and go douche up LSU.
  16. I finally recorded it this Memorial Day and am watching an episode every evening with my grown son. We love it. But the Walking Dead commercials are a beating so we FF thru them.
  17. The parents (both sets) were my favorite part of the show. Never been a Lenny Bruce fan but the guy who played him did a phenomenal job. BTW my daughter was an extra in the final season so we had fun looking for her in the background this year. Will miss this show.
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