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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. Why are we wasting time reviewing this
  2. Both of these teams are overrated dogshit that belong nowhere near the playoff.
  3. I was just hoping he would throw a TD pass and we could have an article about "Arch Manning leads Texas to victory"
  4. Still dealing with their karma from what they did to ML.
  5. Thats the best weve looked in awhile. What an awesome feeling.
  6. Rangers broke their curse. Why not us. Especially would be weird if we did it after putting Jimmy in the ring.
  7. Bland having a really special season. Wow.
  8. Getting a penalty on 3rd and 1 is unforgivable
  9. Looking back on it OKC went 22-50 in the 2020-2021 season after covid. They went 24-58 the year after that. We were fools to expect anything close to the playoffs.
  10. Nobody thinks he's the mvp. He'd have to cook against the eagles and actually win this time, then win a bunch of games with great numbers down the stretch to win the division. That's the only way it happens. Aka it won't.
  11. What Kawhi did was bullshit. But Duncan only has 4 without him. I see it as we the fans have every right to hate him. The players and coaches that were on the team with him probably feel a bit different. But if you want people to boo harder, do what Pop did. Lol
  12. That fucking sucks to hear, he seems like the nicest dude ever. Beat that shit, Bill.
  13. Georgia/Bama and Mich/OSU are de facto playoff games. The losers of these games aren't getting in over 1 loss conference champion Texas if it comes down to it. Can't believe that actually needed to be explained.
  14. If the tournament was in November he'd be the best coach ever.
  15. I was curious and looked up opp 3rd down % and we're #1 in the country, goddamn
  16. Aggie has a weird obsession with burning through shit. Logs, their QB depth, money.....
  17. His teams are break dancers. When an argument breaks out, there's certain people that take things outside and settle it with fisticuffs. Then there are other people who get in an argument and wanna settle it with a dance-off. Lincoln's teams like to break out the cardboard. They like to pop lock and drop it. Nothing wrong with having some cool dance moves. But they've no clue what to do when actually punched in the mouth.
  18. They want Sochan to be our version of Draymond. The thing about Draymond though is he was playing with one of the best PG ever. He was doing a little bit of PG stuff from his normal position, not being their full time PG.
  19. Would love to see it. Am fully prepared to curse Iowa football and their celebration of mediocrity.
  20. At a certain point, you'd think the students that attend the school would start noticing that money isn't being spent on things that benefit them and make their experience better, and is instead being wasted on things like paying a fucking moron that never should have been hired in the first place $75m to go away. Like why is this publicly funded state university just allowed to spend all this money with no oversight?
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