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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. Mitchell just took a knee to the kidney, fuck
  2. OK. So basically they just scored 4 points.
  3. Fucking us on that spot ended up helping. They sold out for the run haha
  4. Thats a trash ass call. Was weak and dude had no chance at making the play anyway
  5. This dude is crying so hard over an obvious correct call...
  6. Man, i guess Matt Campbell really is a bitch made pussy. Lol
  7. Same exact thing was called PI for them earlier.
  8. Also Sabonis playing with 5 made it a little easier. We suck. But i'm glad Collins showed us some life.
  9. In a fun twist, i've heard that 2 of the OL he ran off when he got there are now starting on top 15 teams. Casey Roddick at FSU is one. Cant find the other. Pretty hilarious.
  10. He's dominating the paint. Wish he could buy an outside shot.
  11. Guy was playing well, he woulda been fine. This is a league that just signed Josh Primo to a $2m deal. And he filed a police report about it. If you were gonna lie you wouldn't incriminate yourself in the process. It doesn't make sense.
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