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Posts posted by usmc0331horn

  1. I can't stand MLS but I think I'm gonna go to this. Those renderings are sweet and I always love to piss off entire fan bases like Columbus.

  2. So many of the bands mentioned although I can listen to Under the Bridge still anytime anyplace. Sublime, The Doors and DMB are such good answers. They're bands for dumb young people and I listened the shit out of all of them in my teens and early 20s. 

    For me basically any hair metal band I loved as a kid.

    Rascal Flatts. Ugh.

    The Fray. Again, ugh why.

    U2 is easy but man I still love Joshua Tree. Hate the band though now.

    Matchbox 20




    Goo Goo Dolls

    Pantera and Megadeath


  3. 3 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I remember getting pizza there from a booth that was opened to the patio area.  I think they were serving beer out of plastic cups, given the crowd.

    Bad ass Big 8 mural on the wall in there too.

    I was there at like 1 or 2 in the morning with some international students I met enjoying some slices and some drunk, shirtless white dude came over and just sucker punched this other white dude in the face while he was sitting on a bench. I think they were mortified lol.

  4. I wonder how many games into the season the new AD gives him before getting rid of him. Having a complete shitshow year after year needs to end dammit. I'd be happy with mediocre at this point.

  5. I grew up in Independence and it wasnt really that bad of a place to grow up in the 80s and 90s. It quickly became a shithole though as all small towns have in the last couple decades. I can't imagine coming there after being a 5 star Division 1 athlete though. Kind of a culture shock.

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