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Everything posted by Nonbryan

  1. My eyes have been on fire the last couple of days. I think it might be the Saharan Desert sand or whatever the shit blew over.
  2. These are what I always put on my SUV
  3. How do you spread rep over here? is it the heart thingy on the bottom of a post?
  4. This is exactly my fear. I'm torn on getting him something he wants (xbox) vs. the fights and wasted time in front of the system. It's really tearing at me.
  5. Yep, has a bike. But an upgrade could be a good choice.
  6. After the bottom of the 1st Bob, it's Forcefield - 1, Austin- 0
  7. Besides Best Buy coupons and a gift certificate to the Yellow Rose, anyone have any good bday ideas for a 10 yr. old boy? My wife wants to get him a Xbox but I'm hesitant on that idea.
  8. Happy Fathers Day Gentlemen! My Kiddos gave me a Super Dad Trophy that is now my favorite trophy that I have ever earned in my life!
  9. Either all time greats or latest and greatest? What's your "must see" series recommendation? My wife and I tried to get in to Westworld but we couldn't get in to it. We may go old school and start watching the Wire. Neither of us have seen it before and it seems like a highly recommended classic.
  10. How many farts does the recliner have in it?
  11. I've been happy with FiveStone as well.
  12. 2 up with 2 to go is a pretty good position to be in.
  13. After what the mics caught the other day, I would have thought they would have turned them off for the rest of the tournament.
  14. Had about 15 seconds of sprinkling on my car in 78717 and then....nada, nothing, but some rain blue balls.
  15. We were up 2 to 1. We can get back in this! let's get this game back on!
  16. Will tomorrow's game sell out? I may skip out of work and head up there.
  17. I'm looking for a tile guy in the Austin area if anyone has a good one
  18. LC, I'm looking for a fence guy as well. Had a section blow down in last nights storm. Precciate it!
  19. Is Duke going to pose any type of a challenge for the Red Raiders?
  20. I'm thinking about putting in wood floors or something like it in my house. I ran in to my neighbor the other day and he said he put in the wood tiles and that they are cheaper and better. Anyone have any experience or good insights on this topic? As well, if you have a good installer, I would love the referral. Thanks.
  21. Sure. Take a crack at it.
  22. Nonbryan


    What's the scoop on CodeNext? I know it's a hot button topic but what is the bottom line here? What serves the Austin citizens best?
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