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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. Going to SB in a few weeks. Added to my list.
  2. Ha. If Scottie putted like Rory last year he probably wins 10 times. 65th and 162nd in SG.
  3. 1/2lb chopped and 1/2 a link is about all i order at rudy's. ruby's was good. i worked on mlk for a while and we went to either mueller's place or ruby's 3 or 4 times a week.
  4. 4th&Five

    New Music 2024

    Classic Decemberists pop song.
  5. It’s truly hilarious that a guy that grew up in La Jolla doesn’t think any American city is as nice as Moscow. I’d literally give a nut to be able to live in La Jolla.
  6. Nothing he says about Trump is going to make a bit of difference to Trump voters. Nothing anyone has said in 7 years has.
  7. Do the 9 kids that were shot know that? Because that’ll make them feel a lot better.
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