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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Once I was wishing I had a guitar that made a certain sound. My lead guitarist knew exactly the guitar I needed, could get it for a smoove $1,000 at ?Mars? whatever that Walmart of Music was. I thought it was a great idea. My Dad heard about it and actually gave me $1000 in cash.

    Then I figured out that if I held my hand a slightly different way on the guitar I'd owned since I was 17, it made that $1000 sound. I did that instead.

  2. We had a tree die out back, we paid the dudes to cut it down and slice it up, but then when they offered to haul it off for only $400, I was like, "No, I like it where it is." It was remarkably heavy. I dug garden terraces and used lots of the logs to line them. Some of the bigger pieces, I laid some skids on the ground and whomp whomp walked the big logs along them to the very back of the yard where they rot in the underbrush with rabbits and chipmunks dodging under them. 

    The truly huge sections sit where the tree guys left them, until the end of the world or until I pay to have them moved. Probably until the end of the world.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    Avoid the toll road heading east out 71 to Bastrop-so I sit in a couple of light meh.


    Also do the same going to Lockhart.

    Once I took that toll road east of Austin for free, by staying on the frontage road. Had a pleasant puttputt drive, probably saved a little gas too.

  4. 2 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    You should just take the quarters/dimes/nickels to your bank and cash them in, after you check for any pre-64 quarters.  Then you take the cash to your local coin shop and buy silver with it.  No receipt.  No nothing.  Cash for store of value.  I do it at the end of every month.  Usually get 8-12 oz of silver for my throwaway money.  

    I used to do that at a coin store nearby, the dude was really cool with taking a pile of cupronickel coins in exchange for a few 90% silver coins. But he retired. There is a new coin shop, but they acted all foo-foo about taking coins, and nowadays it's always a pack of guys in there plotting to buy cryptos with credit cards, so I drifted away.

    I don't have a local bank anymore, because I fired them. I reactivated my UFCU Austin account (I kept 5 dollars in it plus an IRA, and they haven't charged me a fee in 18 years), that's what I use for direct deposits. I am 3 states away from Texas, but instead of paying ATM fees, I occasionally get $20 cash back at my grocery store, no fee unless you count me buying a biscuit in order to get the cash. When I get a paper check, a local Credit Union deposits it to UFCU for me, no charge.

  5. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I like this RD fella.

    He and my old coathanger "radio antenna" woulda gotten along just fine.

    We bought a $20 antenna and killed cable a couple months ago. Broadcast tv is actually more interesting. Also, we read library books and "imagine" what is happening.

  6. For some normal cheap ass stuff:

    I use cash to make myself save money by not swiping a card. When I "eat out" I tend to keep it around $2. Save the change, roll it up, and take it to the grocery store for 12 packs of cheap beer. Pennies go into the coin star. But to hell with losing 11% of my dimes and quarters, those I roll.

    Broke my "real" phone, and replaced it with a $20 Go phone. Years ago.

    Been driving the same jeepish little car for 18 years. I lavish money on the mechanics so I can save triple that in car payments. The fabric top is missing the sides. Would cost about $400 to replace. In winter, I wear extra clothes and imagine that I just earned 400 bucks. For about ten winters so far.

    Fixed up an old bike I bought in the 90s. It works great. Thought I'd have to replace the 10-year-old inner tubes. So far, no.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, Hate said:

    That’s a bold move. I wasn’t even crazy about riding in a taxi to that bus station. 

    I only did it once. The walk wasn't bad. On the main drag a little guy asked if he could tag along with me because he was afraid to walk that way by himself. Told me he'd just gotten out of US and Mexican jails. I believe the part about jails. We had a nice polite conversation back to the bridge, after which he probably reported to his masters that he'd met a crazy man.

    Nest time I took a taxi.

  8. 2 hours ago, Artificial Iverson said:

    regarding Investment Banking or similar financial jobs, how come 40 years ago people worked 100 hour weeks and still do today - given modern software? Why hasn't modern computing dramatically cut down on the workload??? 

    I was at a "computer" conference in the 80s where a nice CS professor said that, with all the labor-saving devices, we'd all be working 10-hour weeks in the future because that's how long it'd take to get the same stuff done.

    HA HA HA HA.

    More like, get your ass inside the box, now start producing more by using these widgets.

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