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Everything posted by G650

  1. G650


    I mean, you don't even have to use those examples, even simple acts are not unequivocally good or bad. They can be mostly bad, even damn near 99.9% bad, yet still have positive effects. A young person is killed in a car wreck say. Pretty fucking tragic. Almost all bad, but the planet has ever so slightly less burden, which isn't. Nothing is 100%. The entirety of critical analysis is parsing data and finding that line where it's bad enough and then coming up with remedies. And in most cases it's really fucking hard to do. There's obviously acts which are so blatant, it's an easy call. The Holocaust, duh, of course that was bad as fuck. Hamas atrocities in this attack, clearly really fucking awful, so why would you go to the strawman of "it's ok to denounce Hamas", well no shit, everyone is. I hope they kill everyone of the fuckers that participated in this. It's a wholly different subject than solving the intractable problem of Israel and Palestine though and people need to quit conflating the acute with the systemic. Plus, anytime someone uses the words good and evil, it's a tipoff that a half baked emotional outburst is coming.
  2. Strong choice. I'd have to say Slash, David Gilmour, Brendan O'Brien or Billy Gibbons most likely. The third one is up for grabs. I think more in terms of feel than chops too.
  3. G650


    You literally have no idea what I'm talking about.
  4. G650


    Yeah, I'm not arguing any different. The suffering is baked in. There's two things I'm trying to emphasize to folks. 1) The only hope for a solution is rational calculation. And this applies to basically anything in life. People like to think with their hearts. Brain are for thinking, emotions are for feeling, but people struggle with that. 2) Any black or white, good or bad declaration is bullshit. Everything in life is shades of grey and by and large people aren't equipped to deal with that. And a total tangent, when I was in Junior High, in German class, as is custom we all got to pick our "German" name. I picked Otto, as I have been a big follower of his works, good and bad, for a very long time. Heh.
  5. G650


    You are just doing what Brisket is in this post. These aren't the only two options. To engage in Realpolitik will take a lot more than this into account and choose a complex nuanced path of many actions. In my opinion there have not been any true examples of realpolitik since the 19th century anyway, Kissinger and a few Soviets are the only one's who have even played footsie with realpolitik since.
  6. G650


    The issue is they don't pose a realpolitik inquiry, but absolute emotional impulse. Good and evil? Jesus. Funny you bring it up though because I was considering trolling Brisket with an Bismark reference but thought better of it.
  7. G650


    That has to the all time post on Surly
  8. G650


    Forget it, he's rolling
  9. Yes I am aware, which fortunately for us means no more of his tripe on bookshelves.
  10. G650


    You've basically taken the Al Jazeera version of interview the trailer park native after the tornado and extrapolated it to an entire populace. Because you feeel things.
  11. G650


    Brisket is a guy with a big heart, and big emotions, which is why we love him. But it tends to run away in emotional circumstances and it's a bummer
  12. You know, people forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone
  13. Well at least no one has gotten around to recommending Vince Flynn novels yet
  14. G650


    It is a response to every idiot opining about what Israel should do.
  15. I mean Winston Churchill went down after WWII
  16. G650


    Is Hobbes the Israeli defense minister? He doesn't have to suggest anything man. You sound as silly as all the fucking clowns in the other thread hypothesizing carrier group strength of the US or how many acronym groups are gonna be deployed.
  17. G650


    If I didn't know I'd ask if you have ever been to Texas
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