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Everything posted by G650

  1. G650


    So a total aside, I've always found antisemitism to be the most bizarre thing, like from the time I was a child. And these days when I hear some crackpot thing abot the Jews running the world, it's just, man. Like <waves at everything that's happened to Jews in the past two millennia >. Y'all really think these people control shit?
  2. Lol. I mean love Page, Zep is a top 5 band for me. But his session work in particular is super pedestrian. He was the rhythm player to Big Jim Sullivan's lead playing for 99.9999999% of it in reality. The Yardbirds transition was where he became the powerhouse in Led Zeppelin, where he really hit his stride. Now as producer, you get no argument from me. He is probably the greatest ever.
  3. Blues based rock is a small part of Whites oeuvre really. He delves into roots America much further than anything else. I have to reiterate that guitar is only a small part.
  4. Page definitely influenced a lot more, and I would rate him higher, but he is nowhere near as versatile as White, not even close.
  5. White transcends simply guitar with his contributions to music
  6. G650


    On this thread, but more in DT, there are saying the Israelis annihilate the Palestinian state. Which to be clear I'm I'm not saying anyone is floating it as a suggestion or anything. But that's not what I'm getting at though, people are using Japan as an example of annihilation and its not.
  7. G650


    We are talking about two separate things, yes I agree dropping a nuclear bomb was clearly disproportionate, but it's not eradication, which some people are floating. It's an important distinction. On the second part, yes I agree. My point is success has to be determined in the long term implications, and there's a lot of downstream repercussions beyond "these people aren't shooting me anymore". I'm not suggesting that is going to be a big factor in the Israeli response though.
  8. The Jack White shade around here is always lol. Dude is a super talent
  9. Tom Morello is the other one I thought was out there. I'm OK with the others, and SRV at 20 or whatever. Mostly because it seems to be off impact on music and influence, so Iommi being up there doesn't ruffle me too much. Obviously easily could argue he shouldn't be there either.
  10. G650


    Yeah I mean if your only goal is to not have raids. But anyway, the Japan comparison is not apt. People are talking about eliminating Palestine as an entity. We never did that to Japan.
  11. G650


    People keep bringing up Japan, it's really not a good example. Did we kill an insane amount of people? Absolutely. Everyone? Not even fucking close. It was in no way, shape or form eradicating Japan. The native Americans, absolutely, but I'm not sure I'd classify that as a success by any metric.
  12. Honestly other than Joni Mitchell (LOOOOOLLLLLL) I don't the list is that absurd. Obviously you move these people all around with different criteria, but solid top 3 anyway
  13. G650


    I'm more interested in Roosevelt E Roosevelt's weather report
  14. G650


    Well, we're working on it
  15. G650


    Michael gonna get a workout in this thread.
  16. G650


    I mean, from my perspective people are just expressing their anguish at what's unfolding, and giving the rhetorical I hope they do the best they can to minimize collateral damage. I see no one saying anything that could be construed as instructive to Israel.
  17. G650


    You people are spending a lot of time talking across one another.
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